UC Davis vs UC Irvine Psychology Major

There are many posts about UCI and UC Davis. UCI can be quiet but a very safe campus and most Freshman live on-campus so they do not all leave on the weekends. UCI is near several larger cities and the beach so plenty of things to do on weekends.

UC Davis gets cold in the winter sometimes in the lower 30’s (no snow but rain. Summers can get hot in the high 90’s or 100F. It is surrounded by farmland but Sacramento is 20 minutes away, San Francisco about 1 1/2 hours away and there are several small towns surrounding the campus. The campus and town are very integrated with restaurants, shops, bars etc…. A small town vibe but access to larger cities. Students are down to earthy, laid back, friendly, work hard but collaborative.

Hopefully you will be able to visit both campuses before making your decision since you are OOS and will be paying a premium in costs to attend, you want to make sure you will love the school you attend. Scour both UCD and UCI discussion threads to hear from students and parents first hand. Do not make any assumptions based on hearsay.

Here are some more discussions regarding UC Davis:

UC Irvine:
A happy and diverse student body doesn’t mean that many students don’t go home on weekends. Students don’t go home because of the dorms.

Yes, there is a lot to do in Orange County but most of the things you listed require three things that college students don’t have - time, money, and transportation.

First year college students tend to spend most of their time on campus, in the dorms, or in the community that is within walking distance of campus.

Many students like that UCI weekends are more quiet. Many become friends with those who don’t go home. However, some students are more reserved and have a difficult time reaching out to meet friends. For some, an active social life is important to them. There is no right or wrong choice. It is just important for admitted students to be aware of campus culture prior to committing.

There are also a couple of UCI parent FB groups (run by parents, not the school and not by Humans of University). The question about whether UCI is quiet on the weekends is asked in those groups every year.

Facebook Group 1
Facebook Group 2