UC Davis vs. UCSB for Social Sciences?

I’m intending on being a political science major, I’ve toured both schools and definitely liked the “vibe” of UCSB’s campus better (how could you not), and SB is ranked considerably better in a few rankings. However I’ve heard that SB is more renowned for STEM programs while Davis has the edge in social sciences (with it being so close to Sacramento?), or is the difference between the two negligible? I’ve heard good things about UCSD’s social studies departments as well… should I consider that too?

Obviously Cal and LA have the best programs in the UC system but I’m not counting on being admitted to either of those…

UCD’s proximity to the capital makes it a good choice for a Political Science major however, school fit should also be considered meaning what is best for you academically, financially and socially.

Neither is an easy admit, so visit UCD if you have not already visited and wait until you have all your acceptances in hand before making any decision. Hopefully you applied to a couple of safety schools besides the UC’s listed.

all of these schools are really competitive and most people can’t get in (UCD has an admit rate around 40%). For Davis, 4.1 UCGPA and 1350 SAT - LA and B are even a higher bar. So even as a high stat applicant, you should have several, less selective schools on your ap list. I don’t know your stats but, Sac State(proximity to state gov), SF State, and Sonoma have very good programs and are more accessible to the typical applicant.

What are your stat?

@NCalRent UC GPA weighted is about a 4.4, unweighted is a 3.96. SAT is 1410, with a 720 Lit SAT 2.

that’s awesome - you are a solid applicant for all the UCs. That said, there’s a lot of subjectivity in UC admissions so, please apply broadly.

good luck

@NCalRent Thank you!