UC Davis Waitlist 2025

WOW! I hope you expressed this commitment in your essay. I really hope you will get off the waitlist.

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Is anybody here a transfer student on the waitlist? Cause I am.

I am as a Bio major but Iā€™m pretty sure this is the freshman c/o 2025 waitlist thread ;D.

Check the title of this Discussion: UC Davis Class of 2025 Waitlist which would mean for Freshman applicants. You are welcome to start your own transfer waitlist discussion on the UC Transfer forum. UC Transfers - College Confidential Forums

Thank you thatā€™s a good idea!

Has anyone heard back yet ? The waiting is starting to get worrying

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so do you think that the waitlist decisions taking this long is an indication that no one is getting off the waitlist? or is it just because there were a lot of ppl who opted on to the waitlist this year?

I think itā€™s an indication that thereā€™s a possibility no ones getting off the waitlistā€¦ or there are very few waitlist spots opening upā€¦ i havenā€™t heard of anyone who heard back from the waitlist

At this point, Iā€™m pretty resigned that my son is going where he sent his SIR. It would still be nice to have some closure on UC Davis one way or the other. Itā€™s a complete game changer (better and closer). Itā€™s also the one wait list heā€™s said will change his decision.

I think the appropriate thing at this point is not count on any waitlist but see it as a big wonderful surprise if it does come through. I share your pessimism about what this long delay means.

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I am on the UCLA forum, where I read that some WL decisions are pending depending on the dorm/housing regulations from the public health office (how many students are allowed per room). LA county gave a direction on 05/11, that only non-vaccinated folks will be required to pay for single occupancy, but no restrictions for vaccinated folks. I think other county schools may be waiting for some similar directives on housing, from the state health department - which can impact enrollment in a big way. This is the LA county link: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/docs/protocols/Reopening_HigherEducation.pdf


The ucs are accepting much less students this year because of COVID restrictions?? How exactly would that work in the long run ? Will the class of 2021 be smaller than the rest ?


I donā€™t think that is true. Accepting fewer students would result in them receiving less money, and I donā€™t think they would do that. Those covid guidelines apply to LA county only, so Norcal and Davis may be different.

I just called office of admission. Looks like they will be releasing waitlist decisions over next six weeks. The person also mentioned that there is not much chance of admitting off of waitlist since their enrollment number looks good.

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I know about 7 people who turned down Davis so iā€™m thinking there should be spots open.

You have to remember that all schools admit far more students than actually enroll and they know their usual yield rates from year to year. If there many spots open, they would have been pulling from the waitlist by now. All anyone can do is get excited about the school where they have SIRā€™d and if they happen to get off the waitlist, then it is just icing on the cake.

Best of luck to all and remember where you go for Undergrad will not define, it is what you do with the opportunities you are given that will make you successful.


Every year ucd offers around 30k acceptances, and usually around 20k reject their offers, so a few turn downs shouldnā€™t make a dent. At this point I would assume that there are not many spots left for us open.

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Hmm, doesnā€™t match what the media has been telling us that each applicant applied to more schools, but the actual number of applicants didnā€™t really increaseā€. :disappointed:

Past year admission stats are already available at UC Infocenter. In 2020, UC Davis received ~77k applications; ~35.6k were offered admissions; of which ~6k enrolled. Wait listed candidates were a subset of that ~35.6k number and everyone by now should know that this number changes by the year and difficult to estimate.

So have patience, youā€™ll know the final result by June/July. There is no point in fretting over this. As someone rightly wrote above, which college you go for undergrad is not that important as what you make of the opportunities provided (irrespective of college).


Above stats are specifically for freshman applicants and does not include transfer students. This year UC Davis has received ~87k applications (+13% from last year).

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Iā€™m trying so hard to stay positiveā€¦ I pray that they are out by this Fridayā€¦ we will get inā€¦ at least hopefully all of us from this thread and others who really want to get in