UC Davis Waitlist 2025

I have the same question. I really hope it is a good thing for us!

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are majors still able to fill up right now even though the SIR date has passed? do you think by saying that theyā€™re filling it up theyā€™re implying it means itā€™ll be filled up by the waitlist?

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i have absolutely no idea but i would hope so

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ah I really hope this is what they mean

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If they offer fewer wl than last year, in a positive way, we got fewer competitors, but in a bad way, the spots are mostly filled up; they would not accept many students from wl since the spots are mostly filed up:( Itā€™s extremely bizarre this year:(

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I think the person who commented about the waitlist offers meant that about 3000 opted in the waitlist this year. itā€™s been like this for the past few years, about 3 or 4k people opt in the waitlist.

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Anyone get off today?



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Should we be worried at all that Davis hasnā€™t sent out any waitlist offers and itā€™s already mid-May? Iā€™m still trying to stay hopeful but realistic, and each day hearing that no one got off is so stressful.

Realistically talking, chances could be lower this year and very few will get off. If they hadnā€™t met their class size and lots of people didnā€™t commit, they wouldā€™ve started utilizing their waitlist a lot earlier. Last year, students began to get off as early as late april. Chances are looking real slim this year :confused:

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Well that sucks, Junior college here I come

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ah that hits rlly hard this was my dream school :frowning: Iā€™ve been keeping up with davis and san diego and both havenā€™t used the waitlist in May yet


My dream school too. Iā€™d still be hopeful that Davis is waiting for other UCā€™s (Berkeley, UCLA) to use their waitlist to get a more accurate number of how many spots they may need to fill up. Be optimistic but just plan for not getting off the waitlist

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Davis typically releases on Fridays, correct? If they were unable to release last Friday, does that mean today is possible, or do you guys think they will start around next week?

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probably next week, someone previously said they called davis and they said they are gonna start rolling out acceptances in 1-2 weeks.

Ah I hope they release today. At this point I donā€™t have much hope :((

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What was the waitlist acceptance rate before 2020?

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i think iā€™ll be okay for another week but iā€™m not going to lie, i really really want to go here. iā€™m even willing to turn down UCSC just so i can have the chance to transfer here. i wish they could see how passionate we are for this school.


I turned down USC, UCLA, and CalPoly to go here. If I donā€™t get in via waitlist, Iā€™m going to CC lol.


WOAH, iā€™m inspired by your determination and loyalty towards UCD. all that matters is that you end up somewhere you love, so i admire your decision!

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