UC Davis Waitlist 2025

This year is just so unpredictable. But your not alone. The fact that they’re releasing waitlist decisions over six weeks probably shows how unpredictable the amount of spots are left. If they were close to full why not just reject us all at once but they choose to do six weeks. Just speculation.


There’s no downside for them. I am sure they want to keep their options open.

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I think the downside is that it looks bad. Keeping kids stuck in some kind of admissions purgatory reflects poorly on the University. I appreciate the universities who have been more transparent. Davis is obviously not alone in this behavior.


Though UC Davis is my son’s first choice, he’s even said now that he’s SIR’d elsewhere let’s just go with that. I can understand that, though I would still happily accept an opening from the waitlist. The longer it drags, though, the more disruptive it will be. I wonder what’s keeping them.


Any chance decisions will come out tomorrow? UCLA just let off a few kids.

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I’m guessing tomorrow or Monday. fingers crossed we all get in!!


I want to get in so bad, I’d drop the other college I SIR’d in a heartbeat. I believe everyone who reads this will get off the waitlist.


Omg same I’d sir right away


Why is it not out yet, I was expecting today to be the day

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same :(( at this point idk when it’s gonna come out

There’s still a chance… hopefully by 6 ?

I think we might have to wait for Berkeley to come out first

Has Cal not let anyone off waitlist yet?

Someone on another College Confidential thread said they had gotten off the berk waitlist a while ago

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Does anyone think they’ll release tomorrow or do we have to wait for Cal first?

I have a feeling they will release tomorrow… I hope


Cal offered admission to waitlist students who had opted-in for the Changemakers pathway (my D was one of these). I think there were additional acceptances beyond that, but not many. That was back on May 11, I think. Since then, there have not been any additional “waves” off the WL at Cal.

was hoping it would come out today :weary: , we’ll probably have to wait longer then

Someone called admissions office and they said decisions are only going to start rolling out after June 30th to the beginning of fall quarter.