UC Davis Waitlist 2025

Does anyone know when they usually close the waitlist?

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but I think last year the last wave came out in the first or second week of June.

Students got accepted from waitlist as early as May 18 last year. By June, it was mostly rejectionsā€¦

The last admission from waitlist last year as appeared in this CC thread was June 4, 2020. So, given that the first wave hasnā€™t started yet, thereā€™s still hope.

Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s any easy comparison to be made with this year, especially compared to last year, which was another, very different, special case. I assume most people admitted to Davis have accepted, and maybe very few spots are opening up at more selective UCs that would cause them to change their mind.

I just called and they said they would come out after June 30 :sob:

My thought isā€¦ this year UCs are accepting too many unqualified students based on GPA (and probably other non-academic factors). COVID is used as opportunity to do some ā€œresetā€ very unfair to those who actually took SAT/ACT tests with high scores. Merced is probably getting many high stat students, and will boost its ranking. Just my humble opinion.


Thatā€™s probably a polite way of saying ā€œnone will be admitted from waitlistā€. What preparation can one do after June 30?

Whatā€™s the polite way of saying ā€œHello, Riversideā€? (Actually my son and I have been working on that assumption for weeks already.)

I donā€™t know that de-emphasizing SATs will result in unqualified students, but it definitely changes the criteria.

I think my son would have had a better shot if he could have used his SAT, though his counselor said it was in line with his grades. He took them Fall of 11th grade and did all the preparation by himself except for a course offered the previous year by his HS. The next step was supposed to be retake, possibly after paid prep. This was all mooted by the pandemic and the fact that UC and CSU didnā€™t look at them. I am a little annoyed by the oft said claim that SATs are boosted by parents who can afford expensive exam preparation, because my sonā€™s SAT is his own accomplishment for what itā€™s worth.

I am hoping the same applies to Riverside, since thatā€™s where heā€™s headed (barring miracles at this point). But I guess weā€™ll see.

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Hopefully, as someone going to UCR too, I was surprised when they admitted so many people off the waitlist while UC Davis hasnā€™t even admitted any. Even UCLA and UCI have taken some off the waitlist.

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Hi everyone !! I just called the admissions office and I think thereā€™s some sort of miscommunication between the departments because the person I was contacted at first told me after June 30th and I asked why they didnā€™t release a statement and she didnā€™t know so she transferred me to the head of the admissions office who then told me that they would not close the waitlist but the waitlist decisionsā€™ start would vary from 1-2 weeks and MAYBE after June 30

So June 30 was not confirmed and it may start earlyā€¦ and they have a little space ? I guessā€¦ assuming by her statement that they would not close the waitlistā€¦ but I wouldnā€™t rely on it

Pretty sure Riverside will benefit for the same reason, and congrats to your son. My son only applied for the top six UC by ranking, he received 5 outright rejections and only waitlisted by UCD, so it worries me that Davis appears to be hesitating. We did not apply for more colleges on our belief that my sonā€™s SAT and GPA would be more than enough to be admitted to one of the 6 he applied - he scored higher than the upper bound of SAT range for most UCs according to NIche.com, and well within the admitted range for UCB and UCLA. All Aā€™s except 1 B in English during his first sophomore semester. One strange thing his school did was adopting a Credit-NoCredit reporting (instead of letter grades) for the second Junior semester. That negatively affected my sonā€™s chance because he actually scored straight Aā€™s that year, and CR/NoCR also means his Honor and AP courses during that semester would not contribute to the UC weighted GPA! I know my son and I know he would be qualified during normal years, it is inconceivable to me those who filled his spot are all straight-A studentsā€¦ (without SAT/ACT, what prevents schools from simply assigning high letter grades to boost their studentā€™s GPA, and that is definitely what happened, as according to someone who called in, Davis is surprised by the quality of applicants this yearā€¦) My son may have to settle for community college, he joked that heā€™s saving me some money. (He was later admitted to Merced as part of their ā€œCount Me Inā€ salvation program, but after careful consideration, he decided not to SIR, it is now either UC Davis or junior college).

So, from my point of view, the answer to your question of whether ā€œde-emphasizing SAT/ACT will result in unqualified studentsā€ is a definite ā€œyesā€ (academically). It is just like printing and redistributing money, a manipulated market resulting in hard-working people keeping less of the fruits they worked for.


Thanks Nadia for your clarification. Do you know what the head of admissions office meant when he/she say ā€œthe waitlist decisionsā€™ start would vary from 1-2 weeksā€? Whatā€™s the reference date?

Iā€™m not sure how strange that is. Our HS did this too because of COVID. Yeah, well if your son doesnā€™t get off the waitlist, there is not much hope for us. Heā€™s also WLā€™d at UCSC but not interested. Weā€™re not doing community college. I canā€™t imagine it helping. I think he wants to break away.

It is ā€œstrangeā€ because they should know it would punish their good students, and from my understanding, not all high schools are doing that, and clear advantages are given to good students from those schools.

She didnā€™t clarify a specific date but she told me they should come out in 1-2 weeksā€¦ but again it still depends on how much spots they have leftā€¦

And if they donā€™t come out in 1-2 weeks then maybe they will start on June 30

Well as Jim Morrison put it ā€œStrange days have found us/Strange days have tracked us downā€. That was my theme song for most of 2020. I am glad they restored letter grades in Autumn, but there was enough going on with both of my kids getting used to Zoom classes that Iā€™m happy the pressure was taken off. I donā€™t deny it could affect students who were getting all As, but the admissions office ought to be aware of that.

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