UC Davis Waitlist 2025

The advantage of community college is that it may actually be easier to transfer to UC of your son’s choice (My elder son did just that and transferred to UC Davis doing computer science). Inter UC transfer is said to be harder. CC is much cheaper too… of course, but I still prefer sending my son to Davis 4 full years because he really wanted to go there (although he took it more gracefully than his dad when he found out the only hope he had had become a waitlist spot… perhaps he just wanted to make me feel better.)

Yes, I understand the premise of community college transfer. I just don’t believe that my son would excel and be any better off for a transfer than he was as a freshman applicant. In any case, he wasn’t interested. I am sure it works very well for some students. This is a personal judgment call. Actually, I have a niece who made the jump from UCSC to UC Davis, but I have heard that’s unusual. I’m assuming he’s committed to UC Riverside, not just using it as a stepping stone.

That’s always the case…
I noticed in other threads other UCs are or preparing to release their waitlist decisions, so Davis decisions may depend on who got off and withdrew from Davis.

Riverside is actually pretty good in Computer Science ranking. My son would have applied for the University if we weren’t too confident about getting into the other 6…


I thought they mentioned “through June 30”, but this is the latest statement: “throughout the summer”

  • Since waitlist admission offers are based entirely on the number of responses from our initial admission offers, we will not be able to notify you of our final admission decision until after May 1. Admission offers from the waitlist will be released after May 1 and throughout the summer via email and [MyAdmissions]…

Sounds like the old “Would you believe?” gag from Get Smart (and yes I’m showing my age though I did have to watch it in reruns).

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No idea what you’re talking about… I’m old but not that old! :joy:

Wow, I earned my First Emoji badge? :laughing:
There’s a badge for everything here!
If only UC Davis is this generous…

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It’s a Mel Brooks/Buck Henry secret agent comedy from the 60s starring Don Adams as Maxwell Smart. I’m not sure how well some of it carries over at this point (Cold War setting and possibly some humor that would now seem offensive). Maxwell Smart would make an exaggerated claim and ask “Would you believe it?” The villain (usually) would answer “I find that hard to believe” and Smart would ratchet it down comically.

So it’s like UC Davis says “We’ll open up the waitlist in May as soon as we have SIRs. Would you believe it?”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“Would you believe by June 30?”
“Well, would you believe ‘throughout the summer’?”

(Sorry, that’s just how my mind works, tying everything to my misspent youth watching TV reruns in the 70s.)


papawes, from what you have described, your son is a very sensible and mature young man; he will continue to thrive. May good news await your family and I am rooting for him.

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Interesting… I may actually look for the old movie to find out more! :laughing:

Thank you, that is very kind of you! :heart: Indeed he’s very mild-mannered and never complain much, just do his job kind of person. When I first learned (and upset) about the news that UC won’t be looking at SAT he already taken in late 2019 (before COVID stopped further tests), he’s the one who tried to assure me he’s nothing to complain. (His mom isn’t complaining much as well, it appears that dad is the odd guy in this house who does all the complaining :sweat_smile:). Really I too believe he’d do well despite setbacks like this, but I still wish him the opportunity to enjoy his college years in a great campus, as I had enjoyed many years ago.


Definitely not “misspent”! You build your life philosophy through it! (like I did with ALF shows, don’t ask me to give examples though… :laughing:)

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it is friday, anyone hear anything yet?

nope :confused:

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Nope :frowning:

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do you guys think there will be a wave tomorrow?

We can only hope

Idek at this point. I’m trying not to keep my expectations too high cause we were let down every single week last month

I wonder if they have been sending out just a trickle and nobody on College Confidential has gotten an opening. It seems if they had a lot of openings, we’d have heard about it already.