UC Davis Waitlist 2025

I do not know if they refer to your original UC application since waitlisted students are still considered competitive just no spots avaialble for them. But they do state that “before making our decisions, we will review your 200-word statement, as well as the fall grades and spring coursework-in-progress that must be submitted as part of your waitlist acceptance.”

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Hi so I still haven’t opted into the waitlist for uc davis. I plan on doing it tomorrow. Do you think my application will be looked at any differently as others who turned theirs in earlier?

No, as long as you submit by the deadline, your waitlist opt in will be treated the same.

When UC Davis admits people from the waitlist, do they tend to give people their intended major or do they admit people as undeclared? I applied for CS in the College of Letters and Science.

you will be offered a spot for CS if accepted, not as undeclared. If there’s no spots available for CS, you’ll be denied.


Got it, thanks!

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If you selected an alternate not in the same subject area they may consider that major. They rarely consider alternate majors but possible.

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Hi Gumbymom, Is there any info available on how many kids opted into the UC Davis waitlist now that the deadline has passed?

Sorry, I have no information. Usually that data is not available until the waitlist is clised and the # of admits are confirmed.

Looking forward to hearing about movement off the waitlist.

Me, too! I hear UCLA and UCI took some off waitlist. Hope to hear from Davis soon.

Does Davis admit students from waitlist into their first or alternate majors? Or, are they admitted as undeclared? Same question for UCSD. Thanks.

UC Davis rarely considers the alternate major so if admitted off the waitlist, most likely your first choice.

UC San Diego admits into the University first, so they will consider your 1st choice major, alternate major if not capped and will many times admit into Undeclared depending upon the situation.

Thank you!

@Gumbymom If Davis provides their admits numbers and stats, will they be on the UC infocenter or their own website?

Edit: will they also be providing how many students were offered the waitlist spot and how many accepted it?

Usually the waitlist data is found on the common dataset section C2 but not published till January/February of next year 2022. Even the UC Infocenter data is not updated to later this summer and data can be found for the 2021 UC Counselor conference link that happens in Fall 2021.

For real time waitlist data, only UCD can give you this information which may or may not be posted when they close the UCD waitlist.

Edited: The common dataset has 3 sections for C2 waitlist data:
Number of applicants waitlisted
Number of applicants opting into the waitlist
Number of applicants admitted

Not all schools will fill in all areas of data.

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When do waitlist decisions usually start coming out for UC Davis?

They release them in waves. First wave usually comes out early may and it extends to until early June based on the past years’ discussions here.

Has anyone received their waitlist acceptance yet? I believe Davis is the only UC to have not sent out a wave yet

Not yet.