UC diplomas... all pretty much the same!

<p>I remember when the UCLA rep came to my hs last year. He said, you know what, whether you go to UCLA or UC Riverside, you all pretty much get the same diploma. The diploma says “University of California” in big nice letters. With the name of the campus very small.</p>

<p>Here’s an example of a UC diploma: <a href=“http://www.livejournal.com/community/ucsb/275225.html[/url]”>http://www.livejournal.com/community/ucsb/275225.html</a></p>

<p>So for those of you seeking consolation from not getting accepted into the top-tier UC’s, feel comforted in knowing the diplomas look pretty much the same, LoL.</p>

<p>You can tell the school you attended because in the body of the diploma it says "given at (campus)" and the date of graduation. </p>

<p>They do pretty much look the same to the casual observer.</p>

<p>Yeah, but when you're applying for a job, you don't show them your diploma, you show them a resume with the name of your school clearly at the top.</p>

<p>hopefully on that resume its a grad school.</p>

<p>UCLA loses its prestige that way. you list it out as </p>

<p>"university of california, los angeles"</p>

<p>it sounds the same as all the other UC's... i dunno, it doesnt have the same impact as "UCLA"</p>

<p>I wouldn't care if the piece of paper isn't distinguishable from the other schools in the system. What matters is where it came from.</p>

<p>*UCLA loses its prestige that way. you list it out as</p>

<p>"university of california, los angeles"</p>

<p>it sounds the same as all the other UC's... i dunno, it doesnt have the same impact as "UCLA"*</p>

<p>Any job that you apply to where the interviewer is daft enough to not know that UCLA is the University of California Los Angeles is not worth your time as a college graduate. Seriously.</p>

<p>I mean, c'mon.</p>

<p>eh, what sort of prestige does UCLA have anyway?, its not cal</p>

<p>Eh, what sort of prestige does Cal have anyway? It's not Harvard.</p>

<p>Don't play this stupid game. UCLA has plenty prestige.</p>

<p>ucla has a lot of name recognition, obviously to practically everyone, but also to the average ignorant person.</p>

<p>most people haven't heard of the top LAC's, they don't know dartmouth and brown are ivies. i know someone from another forum said their bro was taking a loan from a bank for school and the teller asked what school he went to, he said "brown", and she was like whhaa, is that an accredited institution? sad, but true. but try saying "UCLA" to anybody and i'm sure they'll know what it is.</p>

<p>You know the Professional Degrees don't even mention their school name. A M.D dipoma from UCSF and UCD look exactly same, the only difference is who signs it.</p>

<p>vtboy: really? is there a picture somewhere. i know those MD diplomas are the ones doctors likes to post all over their office</p>

<p>No, but I have seen some going to the Doctor office, and it just says Univeristy of California and HUGE letters, but no where does it say what school in the UC system.</p>

<p>If I were going to a uc I would go to UCSC and have fun and get a diploma that looked exactly the same as that from cal, since I'm not going to go to a uc then the point is moot</p>

<p>First of all, the diploma is for display purposes, and it doesn't really matter if it looks like another UC school's diploma. It's a display item and a symbol of your education, but that piece of paper will never replace the education. If you're really that concerned with something that you can frame and put on the wall to impress your friends, then you can make really cool diplomas on photoshop that have pictures of unicorns and dragons and lightning bolts. </p>

<p>Second of all, the UC diplomas DO say the name of the school. I have one of these diplomas, and it says which campus (Berkeley, Los Angeles, etc) the diploma was granted at. </p>

<p>Lastly, I think your average uneducated person has heard of UCLA not because of its academic prestige, but because they see them on TV playing football and basketball.</p>

<p>Either way, it's not like UCLA is some podunk Cal State, jeez.</p>

<p>I'd rather have to explain UCLA than f'in Pomona in most places (and Pomona is GREAT.)</p>

<p>Alican do you have a M.D from one of the U.C because I have seen a few of them and none of them say the name of the school</p>

<p>well for undergrad, UC diplomas do look different.
I mean Cal UCLA and SD diplomas certainly carry a little more weight than UCR diplomas.</p>

<p>As for M.D. diplomas...
I wouldn't complain, just getting the diploma would a herculean task, so I really don't think there is a difference between most UC M.D. diplomas...</p>

<p>HMC diplomas on the other hand, will get looked at a little more, just a little...</p>

<p>The only thing that you should worry about with a medical school is the residency potential. The name is rather unimportant.</p>

<p>don't most medical schools, esp UC's, have like less than 4% acceptance rate anyways?</p>