UC Essays?

<p>Has anybody started yet or thinking of started?
I wanted to get some advice on how to write an AWESOME essay. I have no idea how to start or what to focus on. I’m lost on how to write a stellar essay to convince the adcoms. Do the UC’s specifically look for anything in an essay? What about UCI, UCSB, Davis & SD?
Thanks for your help! :)</p>

<p>The best essay would be discussing in depth of how much you have used your resource (education, school, etc…) to be who are today. They want to accept students who will take their resource and opportunities to their fullest extents. </p>

<p>If you can try, to focus on that. If not, just surprise adcom with anything you think will be interesting and intellectual! Don’t try to be too narrowed down on a theme before you write. It’ll just inhibit other awesome ideas!</p>

<p>Good luck :D!</p>

<p>mmhmm follow what MisterB7K said. that’s really awesome advice :)</p>

<p>It’s also great that you are thinking well ahead of time. Remember to choose something creative. For example what i did was i chose my “intrigue for bacterias, wounds, diseases, etc” and built of that to develop a well rounded essay on Pharmacy [my major and career choice]</p>

<p>the entire point is to make sure that each and every sentence is important to conveying the message. If one sentence, heck if one word doesn’t work out it’s best to remove that word. You want the readers to be drooling over each word, their hands should tremble as they read it, give them goosebumps. What i mean by this is YOU MUST KEEP THE READERS ATTENTION THROUGHOUT YOUR PIECE- form the first word down to the very last word.</p>