<p>I do want to (and plan on) ending it soon, 16399, but it's not fair to accuse me of acting like I don't know what Citan is talking about without saying that I actually DON'T know what Citan is talking about. I'm trying my best- I'm being intellectually honest here, really. His arguments have thankfully become more clear as this has gone on, but only in this last post is it fairly easy to understand him. He's made admirable progress in post #52.</p>
<p>(1) is not relevant, is it (although you have made the same suggestion to me multiple times now)? It's not relevant to whom you dirrected the statement "If you are back it up with proof...otherwise remain in the Cal board." I feel the way you did towards him towards you right now- I don't see any proof from you at all.</p>
<p>2) is accurate after reinterpretting "you have no authority to tell people where they can and cannot post" into "don't tell people where they can and cannot post." You obviously can do whatever you want that is physically possible, but I was just saying you don't have the authority on these boards to tell people where they can and cannot post, which you assumed (and probably rightfully so, but not what I stated) that I implied that you shouldn't tell people where they can and cannot post because you lack the authority.</p>
<p>(3) and (4) are off. For (3), if I have no authority to tell you that you lack a certain type of authority, how can you REPEATEDLY tell me that I am not a mod? This is very similart, but there is a key difference- your claim is FAR stronger. Do you see how they are similar? We are both telling each other that we lack a certain type of authority. Now, I'm quite aware that I'm not a mod, and I don't think I have acted in any particularly mod-ish ways, unless you think mod-ish ways include trying to keep the tos which I did by telling you that you have no authority to tell the poster where he or she can post. But you don't have the authority to do that. Are you saying I dont have the authority to tell you that you don't have the authority? Anyone can tell you that. The person who tells you that doesn't have to have any authority whatsoever. Why? Because of the TOS- that's all that's necessary. But anyway, if I lack the authority to tell you that you can't tell people where they can and cannot post, how is it that you can tell me that I am not a mod? It doesn't make sense.</p>
<p>4) is also way off. You misunderstand why you were a hypocrite. I claim that you were a hypocrite because of the following reason. What is off in the proof? If it's all accurate, the reasoning is sound, so you were.</p>
1) You suggested I should keep my suggestions to myself.</p>
<h2>2) You did not do this yourself.</h2>
<p>3)Therefore, you are a hypocrite with regard to this situation.
<p>Again, what I told you was that you don't have the authority to tell him where to post. My telling you that you don't have the authority to tell him where to post is not really a suggestion, but rather an observation.</p>
<p>Honestly, it doesn't matter how many people are on your side, citan. I know that 1) i'm correct and 2) you haven't proven anything with regard to my being a hypocrite in some way so far, but I would love to see you do it. </p>
<p>UCLAri, what's your opinion (besides that this is ridiculously petty and lame and a waste of time- I'm fully aware).</p>