UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

True, a strong student does have a good chance of admission and the UC’s do have statistical data avaialble (UC transfer GPA by major) to help transfer students gauge their chances. I am just saying no system is perfect especially since many CC’s are also overcrowded and getting classes can be difficult.

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My son applied for the CS major, but got accepted as Undeclared on both Academic Unit and Major. What is the roadmap for him to get into CS major once he’s in college? What are the chances? He was also directly admitted to the CS major at SJSU. Would like to decide once we know how the system works at UCI. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.

@cooldad99: I do not how many Undeclared students are able to change into CS each year, that is something you need to contact UCI about but if your son has a direct admit at SJSU, I would not think twice about accepting. Below is the link listing the criteria to change majors. Just remember meeting all the requirements does not guarantee there will be room available plus students in the CS major do get priority for classes which could add extra time to getting his BS.


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Thank you for the quick response. I really appreciate your input!
I understand this is not a forum for CalPoly SLO, but my son is also on the waitlist for SLO. I was thinking if he got off the waitlist, will he be admitted as CS major or Undeclared? We’re wondering about that too.

SLO does not offer Undeclared but that said historically I have not seen anyone get off the waitlist for CS but it does not mean it couldn’t happen.

Oh wow… that’s tough. Thank you for your help!

My friend’s son got off the waitlist for CS last year right before May 1. He had already decided to go to UCSD and stuck with it.

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@cooldad99: I guess I should change my statement and say at least on College Confidential, I have not seen any one get into CS from the waitlist. I looked at last years waitlist discussions and no one posted. Again, CC is a small representation of the actual applicants.


I am sure it is pretty rare.

Congrats, so happy for you! Was your DS an in-state applicant?

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You are the third person posting here (with me being the second) to note that their son got undeclared over a CS admission to UCI. My understanding is that, same with the minimum requirement for getting into a UC, to actually get to where you want, you have to score high in the three required classes plus do well in the GE classes and even then there is no guarantee you will get in. Plus it can be hard getting into the required classes, because as undeclared, our kids don’t have priority enrollment. These classes (particularly ICS31) gets filled up fast because it is a required class for all of the ICS majors, not just CS. It is worth calling admissions and/or ICS academic counselor to get a better idea on how realistic it is to change into the CS major, but my feeling is it’s not worth the stress of trying to get into the major.


At least with UCI CS you have a more reasonable option from Undeclared. UCSD Undeclared to CS still requires a specific GPA and pre-req courses but once you meet the requirements, you are placed into a lottery for a spot.

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Yes, in-state Los Angeles County. She was so nervous thinking she had zero chance because she was denied CSULB, but when she got her email with her first choice in CS she literally had tears in her eyes. So tough on these kids this year, my heart goes out to all of them


Is UCI need-blind for domestic applicants? Are all the UCs need-blind for domestic applicants?

UCI is Need blind for all applicants and that is true for all the UC’s.


I see that they are not aware if you applied for financial aid. However, they are clearly favoring out of state applicants for their OOS tuition. They are aware if you are an out of state resident who will have to pay much more for tuition than an in-state resident. They are technically need-blind, but very much money/tuition-aware concerning their applicants.


Need blind only means that they do not take financial need into consideration for admissions. Since they do not guarantee to meet need even for in-state applicants, they are well aware that OOS and International applciants will have to pay full fees to attend.

Were you also notified by email of your acceptance or did your portal just change?

wondered if you knew which CA public schools (UCs and CSUs) have direct admit for CS


That really was good news, probably a big relief after that CSULA decision. Big congrats to you & your DS!

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