UC Irvine Class of 2027 Official Thread

Ignore “Computer Science and Engineering”, it’s not a major you can directly apply on your UC app. I am pretty sure the only way to enroll in this interdisciplinary major is to major-change after you are already enrolled at UCI.

Can students take community college courses during summer while being enrolled at a UC school? @Gumbymom
My son would like to take Multi variable calculus this summer for credit at UC school

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Yes, you can take CC classes after you graduate from HS and enroll in a UC. I always recommend that you contact the UC to confirm.


Thank you!

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Here is the data. I just filter by major since CSE is an interdisciplinary major.

You are incorrect. You can apply to CSE directly and there is data for 2022.

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Got it. Thanks. If I picked “All” colleges and “Report Type” as major it does show correctly as opposed to picking Engineering etc.

It’s interesting to see that CSE acceptance went down from 40% (2021) to 8% in 2022.

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Yes, they really reduced the # of admits from previous years so perhaps the program is over enrolled or there are plans to change some aspects of the major program?


Yeah, the same with “Data Science” too

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Have they ever released any admission during weekdays like monday for honors? Or would be this friday?

Select “Interdisciplinary Studies” for School and “Majors” for Report Type, how do you interpret 0% yield in the results across all years?

UCI is capturing the data for Interdisciplinary Study programs under their actual major name:

However you interpret these results, the only reasonable conclusion is you cannot trust the numbers under “Computer Science and Engineering”.

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Also, intake to Computer/Data Science related drastically went down compared to 2020.
It’s anyone guess what is it going to be this year.

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Do we know of any similar data available for UCSB, UCSD?

No, UCSB and UCSD do not offer similar data.

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Does anyone know what time UCI typically releases decisions on Friday?

Decision date not confirmed but like most UC’s usually after 3PM PST but UCI can be very unpredictable. Last year the server crashed when releasing decisions. Be prepared.


Thanks again. This may be a very stressful Friday.

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Any word on when UCI regents/chp could release?

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