UC Irvine for Data Science or UC San Diego for Global Health?

Hi, I am trying to decide between going to UCI for Data Science and UCSD for Global Health. Technically, I got waitlisted at UCI and accepted at UCSD, but I would like to be prepared ahead of time should I get off the waitlist. (I once heard that even if you submit a SIR for one UC, you can change it to another should you get off the waitlist for that school, although the initial deposit is non-refundable, correct me if I’m wrong, so I accepted UCSD). While I heard UCSD is considered a more “prestigious” school, I prefer UCI’s location more, since it’s closer to home. In addition, I want to eventually change my major to mechanical engineering for either school. Should I ultimately choose UCSD to attend, or should I attend UCI if I get off the waitlist? Which school is easier to change my major into mechanical engineering?

You have two great options. If you like UCI, no reason not to select it if you get taken off the waitlist, but if not you’re good to go too.