UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

yes I submitted the fasfa

Anyone know when UCI Regents invitations come out?

Last year they came out early March but in previous years it was end of February. No official date as of yet.


I’ve been diving into CS admit rates across UC’s and the UCI 2021 #s are just insane.

  • Admit rate dropped from 21.3% in 2020 to just 7.1% in 2021. That’s Berkeley and UCLA level selectivity
  • This happened in a year where the # of apps for CS fell from 5,599 to 4,917
  • However, yield went up 50% from 16.6% to 24%

UCI seems to have done a good job predicting the yield well and adjusted the admit rate accordingly.

Data available @ Undergraduate Admissions | Office of Institutional Research | UCI


UCI is tough across the board…

At my son’s school, UCI only took 8 students out of 361 applicants in 2021, which is a rate of 2.2%, and the average GPA was 4.22. The previous year, they admitted 86 out of 310 applicants! That’s a huge delta.


We had 37 out of 234 in 2021. And in 2020, it was 36 out of 200. So its getting worse but relatively stable.

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Our school had 68\317 offered admission. The CS admit rate is lower than I expected. Not really surprising,though.

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That Berkeley news is going to mess up yield estimates and make everyone wait-list a bunch of people. So UCI will get even harder this cycle.


I don’t think the UC Berkeley situation will inform the waitlisting decisions by the other UCs. They have their own caps and processes, so their waitlists are just going to be what what they’ll be. I’ve seen people on CC state that admissions decisions are independent across that UCs.

Please let me know if this is in error☺️

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You are correct. UC’s are separate entities. Each campus does review applications based on their institution priorities and applicant pool, so a student may be selected for one campus but denied by another. However, it could impact other campuses yield which would result in few students taken off the waitlist or none at all.


Record number applicants to UCI for second year in a row. :sweat_smile:


@Napafolie - I am wondering if they might have to adjust their yield estimates to account for ~2300 students (rough estimate for 5100 fewer acceptances by 45% yield) who might otherwise have gone to Berkeley but will now overflow to other campuses? That could reduce the number of acceptances extended on other campuses. Just thinking out loud…


Hi… Gumbymom does a nice job of pulling apart the yield vs acceptance above :relaxed:

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When can we expect decisions to come out?

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Last year’s timeline: Early CHP/Regents last year was March 5. Regular decisions in waves starting March 12.


She is the best. I have been know to say “Gumbymom says…” my daughter even listens when I say that!


Yes agree. A fountain of knowledge. And always ready to help and guide.


Question: some majors are more competitive than others, is that correct?

Some competitive majors are Nursing, Engineering/CS, Business Administration, Biological Sciences, Psychology .