UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

You can see admit rate by major here. Select report type as “Majors”



Thank you. I was just going to post that information.


Why did they accept only 350 for CS last year? Usually they accept about 1100 (from 2016)

@Gumbymom - do you have any thoughts on what is off here if you look at in-state vs OOS for UCIrvine with those data? I assume that the CA resident Ns can’t be right. Looks like things flip to a totally different profile in 2021. I am assuming none of these numbers are worth putting much stock in given how off these look - would you agree?

Haven’t looked at enrollment trends closely but I would venture to say a good number of those kids ended up on the CSE major. In any case, the takeway is that CS admit rates are probably in the 7%-20% range. The data is probably most useful to understand relative difficulty of admission to each major

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Thank you for pointing the issue out. I did not specifically look at the data posted but you are correct that the numbers look flipped for 2020 based on the 2021 numbers and the other previous years.


You look up selectivity for specific majors using the link and tabs.

There are several CS majors listed. Some, like Computer Engineering, have a 40% acceptance rate, which is higher than most other majors. Either the data is wrong, or it’s really easy to get into some computer science streams.

I think some of the dashboard filters are broken and gives ridiculous outputs. I remember the admit rate for CE or CSE was super high with the school filter selected and lower when the filter was not used. Again, use this as directional input in the absence of other data.

I would also say there are probably some engineering majors that are much more easier to get in.

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Anyone know this year’s release date?


No confirmed date as of yet. Perhaps this week they will send decisions for the Regents/CHP admits then they usually do waves throughout the month.


I think it is noteworthy that the OOS acceptance rate is 74% while in-state acceptance rate is 20% according to this UCI dashboard. I didn’t know that there is such a huge gap. In many other states, state schools favor in-state students. If the intention is getting more tuition, they should allow CA parents to choose to be treated like OOS, willing to pay more (which they will probably anyways when their children gets rejected from UCs but accepted by other states).

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There should be a minimum for in state acceptances, in my opinion. After all, we are paying the taxes that help find these schools.

But did you check the OOS yield? For 2021, the yield was 11.2% from the 73.9% admitted. They have a high admit rate but a small percentage actually enrolls. Almost 3X as many CA admits enroll vs OOS.


Good point , thanks for the data points.

If a college has poor yield from a cohort of applicants, the usual response is to improve yield by selecting from a pool that demonstrates greater interest in the school. UC Irvine is instead chasing a specific target of OOS $$$ and in order to hit those targets, they keep jacking up the OOS admit rate to compensate for poor yield. This has been clear from the divergence in OOS and In-state admit rates post the 2007 recession.


Another factor schools may consider is geographic diversity— so not just the 00S monies.

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True, but that’s not the point. The point is OOS admitted kids have luxury of pick and choose but there are lots instate kids hurt by not getting into there dream school and crying. In UW-Seattle, CS admittance for OOS is below 3% but instate is round 20%. What’s right about that picture?


Does anyone have information on the Engineering/Undeclared Major at UC Irvine? Can someone declare CS or CSE if they get into Engineering/Undeclared?

From the UCI website:
Undeclared Engineering students can change their major within the School at any time in their first year if they have a 3.0 GPA. Undecided students can enroll in a freshman seminar course titled “Engr 7 A/B: Introduction to Engineering,” which provides an introduction to each of the engineering disciplines, first year engineering students can enroll in this course to count as a Tech Elective. Students maintaining a 3.0 GPA can choose to pursue more than one major at the end of their second year- including majors offered outside of engineering.

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I want to also clarify that CSE is under the College of Engineering however CS is not. That is housed in the College of Information and Computer Sciences so that would be a different route.

Cumulative UC GPA Students must meet BOTH requirements:

  • Minimum of 2.7 GPA overall

  • Minimum GPA of 2.7 in the quarter immediately preceding the change of major
    Course grades A minimum GPA of 3.0 and no grade less than a C in ALL courses taken from those listed below. Completion of the following:

  • ICS 31 and ICS 32, or

  • ICS 32A and ICS 33, and

  • One or more of Math 2A, Math 2B, ICS 6B, ICS 6D, ICS 6N

Also there is no guarantee that if you meet the requirements, you will be able to switch due to enrollment capacity.

If you are admitted, the best thing you can do is contact each department of interest and ask questions such as

  1. As Undeclared, will I be able to get into the required classes to change majors?
  2. How many students are able to change into these majors after meeting the requirements?
  3. Other options if I am unable to switch majors?