UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

There are in-person and on-line events via this link:

Thank you.

Okay, so DS received some info that may have sealed the deal for UCI. @Gumbymom, I would love your confirmation of this: If a student is admitted to UCI in their admitted major, that’s all they need to do, right (other than obviously demonstrate competency by doing well in their classes while at UCI)? An admitted student is “safe” and doesn’t have to worry about “trying to get into their major”?


You are correct. If you are admitted into a specific major, then there is no competitive process to declare that major.


Thanks! (For anyone who is deciding between Mathematics at UofWA vs UCI, DS found out that the Applied Mathematics acceptance rate is between 15-25% after Year 1 at UofWA. )

are those GPA numbers for unweighted or weighted? i’m getting confuse on looking at other colleges when they give a GPA range… thanks!

Not sure which GPA numbers you are referencing but the UC’s usually post the Capped weighted UC GPA in their Freshman profile. If you could copy the information you are asking about, I can clarify.

Is anyone traveling from NJ to admitted student day on April 16? Thank you

We are going to the out of state events Friday and Saturday! We’re coming from Georgia. (I’m a UCI alum and loved my time there but am trying not to sway my daughter’s decision one way or the other).

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Great to hear, have a safe trip. My daughter is attending 8:30-2:00 pm event April 16 event.

For those who are attending the in person event, did you receive any communication regarding time or schedule for Saturday? I received an email with a mobile check in pass, but there is not start/end time listed.

I believe my daughter registered for the admitted student event. It’s on 4/16 from 8:30 to 2.


The UCI webpage has a schedule now. Celebrate UCI | Office of Undergraduate Admissions | UCI


My daughter just got a confirmation for the Friday evening event for out of state students - it said there were so many people they’re dividing them into three groups with three different times (and asked her to only bring one person with her). The Saturday event seems to be all at one time and they said she can bring both parents.

For the Saturday event, 3 of us are traveling from NJ. Mom and 2 daughters (one who is admitted and other who is a 9th grader but can’t be left alone at home).

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This looks like fun

I think my daughter is most excited about this!

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Is there a difference between OOS Celebrate and general Celebrate other than the Friday night event? We’re OOS, but will just be attending on Saturday.

There is an out of state breakfast at 9:00 (looks like the main events start at 10:00) on Saturday.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCI Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion