UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

I guess not LOL

iā€™ve been following this thread for a while, iā€™m waitlisted for business administration so i have no hope lol, i prefer ucsd anyways tho which is waitlisted at too and think i have a better chance if any. but it seems like youā€™ve been patient and really hopefully of uci and look at you, you got it! congratulations :grin::grin::tada:

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Bay Area
Income 100k+? I dont remember lol

GPA probably like a 3.9 something or 4.0
No rank
Dual enrollment school, took college courses August 2021-current, took 12 college classes there that counted towards my high school credits giving me that and an IGETC
NO SAT NO ACT i didnt take a single one of those tests LOL

being completely honest, I donā€™t think mine were anything special. I wasnā€™t a leader for like an organization/club, I didnā€™t win awards, and didnā€™t play any sports so I just talked about hobbies/stuff I was passionate aboutā€¦ IN MY DEFENSE THOUGH, I went to a small school with no sports team and meh clubs that didnā€™t really fit me and there wasnt really any budget for the clubs they did have

  1. Work for 2 years
  2. Bboying ~2 years
  3. Bass guitar ~2 years
  4. Gym ~1.5 years
  5. Volunteer work ~4 years (nothing like super special)
  6. Crocheting/sewing

im not anything special to be completely honest

what would you do then if you get no housing?

apartment I guess, Im going to call them just to make sure though

dang best of luck then

Please update us here after you talk with them. Thanks! BTW, UCI accept you for 1st major and my daughter has same 2nd major as you, Hopefully that comes to her soonā€¦

Office is closed right now :frowning: I hope your daughter gets in too

Congrats man!! :confetti_ball: :partying_face: Iā€™ve also been following this thread incessantly lol. iā€™ve been waitlisted as an English major and I havenā€™t heard anything about English from anyone. still crossing my fingers, hopefully it comes soon :))

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Female east asian, not 1st gen
Bay area comp public hs (are we surprised)

UC C&W GPA 3.9ā€¦ :sob: I had to explain my low grades in my application which I think helped
SAT 1520 (theyā€™re test blind) and submitted AP Exam scores (5 scores, all got 3+), currently taking 3 AP courses. Took some CC courses

Had regional awards for sport and had a job relating to this sport, unique activities (I donā€™t feel comfortable sharing), was a TA, volunteer awards regionally, in the orchestra and a selected orchestra, club officer and club founder for one of the schoolā€™s largest clubs, the typical stuff


this just reminded me let me add on to my stats:
I ACTUALLY DID START A BREAKDANCING CLUB MY JUNIOR YEAR!! i forgot though because i didnt continue it into my senior year (injury)

i actually have NO CLUE how to calculate my gpa i just assumed its a 4.0 because I have all Aā€™s, I donā€™t know if its inflated becaused I took a ton of random college classes that do not go towards my credits (dont think it would go over a 4.0 because my school doesnt offer AP or honors)

for my volunteer work: did accounting for a food bank and like the boring spreadsheet stuff but I ALSO worked at my animal shelter


Are any of u guys waitlisted for nursing too?

Got in for Civil Engineering! Email came at 5:52 PM for me.

Socal Asian Male

UC Weighted GPA: 4.08
2 Dual Enrollment classes
8 APs
Top 7%
No submitted standardized test scores

4-year band member + drum major + drumline (winter ec)
Avid Photographer + Filmmaker
Many leadership positions and non-traditional ecā€™s
40+ volunteering hours reported
Worked for the majority of senior year and sophomore summer


good stuff!! You commiting?

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Also accepted into Cal Poly Pomonaā€¦ still weighing my options since I hear their engineering program is better? Gotta talk to some students at UCI hahah

Heard SLO was the better choice for engineering, did you get in there?

Waitlisted! Would really consider it if I got admitted though :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

I got in for Civil Engineering on 5/11/23 at 5:52 PM

White/Hispanic Male
Public High School (Sacramento Area)

Weighted: 4.19
UW: 3.81
No class rank
8 APs
No SAT/ACT test scores

Officer of multiple clubs
Member of 5 clubs
Sports freshman year
Engineering/Architecture competitions
Many volunteer hours
Working since summer before junior year
Multiple Academic Awards

I will be committing to UCI!


Congrats! Happy for you man. Hoping more come out soon!

Has anyone heard back from either mechanical engineering or aerospace engineering?

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