UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

May 18 was the last posting of some admits.



Oh okay thank you! Has anyone got off the waitlist for business administration? I’m an international student so the whole visa hassle and everything is a little worrisome…

Ik! May 18 was so long ago… and it’s already June


last year, did uci send an email when the waitlist closed?

Yes, they sent denials and also mentioned the waitlist was closed through email.

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When does UCI send usually out the email to let applicants know that the waitlist is closed?

Once enrollment targets have been met, they will close the waitlist. It varies each year and last year they closed the waitlist July 9.


Will UCI send a notification/email that the waitlist is closed?

Do you guys think they’re closing the waitlist soon? Or maybe doing one last big release wave for waitlist since May 18 was awhile ago?


Yes, they will send an email to all students still on the waitlist with a denial and then state the waitlist is closed.

Is it possible that UCI may release some today since last year they did some on June 17?

I was thinking the same thing

UCLA just pulled from WL this morning

Ooo maybe there will be some movement with uc irvine today then :pray:


Anything yet?

No probs not today

Irvine doesn’t release on the weekends right?

Don’t think any of them do but UCLA did release on Saturday this year so who knows

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I don’t think so as this weekend are all the commencement ceremonies.

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