UC Irvine Genetics Major?

Does UC Irvine still have a genetics major?
Genetics is listed on the UC Irvine majors list on the UC app but it won’t let me select it.
Do you have to select a different major and then switch into genetics?


You apply as a Biology major and then pick a specialization such as Genetics once you have completed the pre-req classes.

Genetics majors begin their study in the junior year with two Genetics courses (BIO SCI M137 and BIO SCI D137) and a Genomics and Proteomics course (BIO SCI D145). This series of courses is designed to give students an understanding of genetic mechanisms and teach them how to define and answer fundamental questions in biomedical research. Additionally, students choose at least two electives that deal with topics such as the molecular biology of cancer, human genetic diseases, developmental genetics, and the genetics of aging. Finally, Genetics majors are encouraged to explore laboratory research by enrolling in BIO SCI 199. Laboratory research not only expands a student’s technical skills, but is also designed to allow faculty members to mentor Genetics majors. All students majoring in Genetics have a faculty advisor with whom they meet at least quarterly. The faculty advisor helps students plan their curriculum and select appropriate Biological Sciences 199 research projects. Genetics majors also have an opportunity to meet with other Genetics majors on a regular basis and participate in research talks.