UC Irvine vs UC Riverside for Chemical or Environmental Engineering?

i’m quite undecided between ChemE or EnvE as my major once i transfer from a CC. The 2 closest UC’s to my home would be Irvine and Riverside and im definitely applying for both. Which one of them would you say has a better engineering program, specifically in chemical or environmental?

again, the primary reason im choosing these 2 schools is that my parents find it convenient since it’s just an hour away from where i live. I still do, however, want to apply to other UCs. Which UC’s would you suggest me to apply to with a strong engineering program? thank you very much :slight_smile:

Chemical engineering is available at all UCs except for UCSC and UCM. It is also available at CPP, CSULB, and SJSU.

Environmental engineering is available at UCI, UCM, and UCR. It is also available at CPSLO, HSU, and SDSU. Some other campuses may have environmental subareas within civil engineering.

Because you will transfer as a junior, you need to be pretty sure about your major by then; changing major after junior transfer may be difficult or not allowed, depending on the campus.

UCI is higher ranked than UCR and is generally regarded as more ‘prestigious’ if you care about that (which is important to some degree). Where do you want to work? There are a TON of tech companies in Irvine because it is located in the heart of the OC (I live here so I know) there will be a lot of work experience opportunity for you here. Riverside does not have as much of a tech firm hub (as far as I know). UCI has a strong engineering program (ranked like 36) whereas UCR is ranked like 61. Another thing to consider is the community at the school and around it- you will be spending two years there after all. Think about safety, activities, proximity to other cities, student satisfaction, and the general vibe of each campus. I have friends at both and tbh, at UCR the surrounding city of Riverside was not that nice/safe and the students there did not seem very academically driven. UCI is in a pretty nice area because Irvine is an affluent city and has a higher emphasis on doing well in school in my opinion.

UCR campus safe and immediate housing fine. Compared to USC (South Central) where my brother went, UCR was like Disneyland! UCI higher ranked although UCR growing fastest of any UC for a reason. Engineering students very driven! The Thomas Haider Bio Med at UCR EXTREMELY COMPETITIVE…a complete bloodbath! Best to see it yourself…good luck!