UC Merced promotes self as easier path to Berkeley

<p>MERCED ? The newest University of California campus here has tried attracting students based on its own merits. Now it is using other schools’ merits as well.</p>

<p>UC Merced will allow about 1,000 students who narrowly missed admission to a more established UC campus to attend the Central Valley school for two years and then transfer to the university they originally chose. Four UC campuses ? Berkeley, Los Angeles, Irvine and San Diego ? issued the “Shared Experience” offers last week.</p>

<p>Administrators at the sparsely attended Merced campus, which will welcome its third freshman class in September, hope most of the diverted students will stay after the first two years.</p>

<p>“This program takes advantage of enrollment capacity at UC Merced,” said university spokeswoman Patti Waid Istas. “We’ll have quite a few (students) who decide to stay.”</p>

<p>Growth has been slower than expected since the 100-acre university opened in September 2005. Planners had hoped for 2,600 students by the third year, but administrators now are aiming for 2,000 in the fall term.</p>

<p>Freshmen enrollment dropped 38 percent last fall. Ongoing construction and a shortage of nearby amenities have made the school a hard sell for students outside the Central Valley.</p>

<p>Along with several other strategies, the Shared Experience program is part of a renewed push for higher enrollment. The same program boosted attendance at UC Santa Cruz in the 1980s, when some students were guaranteed
subsequent entry to UC Berkeley, and the University of Texas system has a similar strategy.</p>

<p>“It was considered a great success by the people at Berkeley and by the people at Santa Cruz,” said Nina Robinson, a student-affairs administrator for the 10-campus UC system.</p>

<p>University leaders said they retained 80 percent of the students who arrived in 2005, largely because of a sense of community at the nascent school.</p>

<p>The university boasts 80 student-led clubs, including six sports clubs, and is increasing financial aid dramatically this year, Istas said.</p>

<p>The school also is guaranteeing a dorm room to each incoming student, she said.</p>

<p>On-time freshman applications were up slightly this year to 8,257, she said, and the university had admitted about 6,680 through Thursday. Only 3.7 percent of admitted freshmen agreed to come to Merced last year, far lower than at other campuses.</p>

<p>“Our application numbers are always strong,” Istas said. “We just face some hurdles when it comes to yielding students.”</p>

<p>dam... thats a pretty good idea for a program.</p>

<p>Yeah, kind of old news...but yeah, I still think it's a sketchy way to get your name out.</p>

<p>well, they have to do it somehow</p>

<p>so im guessing they are giving the offers out via email?</p>

<p>i have no clue. I think they should make it publically known more ( or i am just deaf and blind and have completely missed the news). I know tons of people who are going to a csu to transfer to a uc, this system would be much better and comforting for them.</p>

i have no clue. I think they should make it publically known more ( or i am just deaf and blind and have completely missed the news). I know tons of people who are going to a csu to transfer to a uc, this system would be much better and comforting for them.


<p>Plus, isn't it actually much harder to do that kind of transfer, from CSU to UC, even than from Comm. Coll. to UC.</p>

<p>I was offered this program by ucla and cal, they inform you when you cheak admission</p>

<p>yeah its hard to transfer from csu to uc, so this system would work better imo.</p>

<p>why is it hard to transfer from a CSU to a UC???</p>

<p>Ronris because the priority given to transfer into the UC goes as followed: California community college transfers> inter campus UC transfers> CSU transfers> and then out of state.</p>

<p>"California community college transfers> inter campus UC transfers> CSU transfers> and then out of state."</p>

<p>I'm under the impression that the order is: CCC > CSU > UC > OOS, because the state attempts to give students who are not already in the UC system the priority in transfers.</p>

<p>Umm, does anyone know definitely if it's CCC>UC or CCC>CSU or CCC>OOS...?</p>

<p>CCC> ALL</p>


<p>yea CCC is top priority. But who has second priority: UC or CSU?
I think it's pretty much set in stone that OOS always have the slimmest chance in the UC system.</p>

<p>In the packet that UCLA sent out, 92% of transfers were CCC, 4% were UC, 1% were CSU, and the rest were OOS or something, so I guess UC>CSU?</p>

<p>My counselor told me that it's harder to transfer into the UC system from a CSU. So yeah, UC > CSU.</p>

<p>humm, im pretty sure everyone offered the merced/berkeley admission (including myself) would prefer to just go to berkeley -_-</p>

<p>orly?? @_@</p>

<p>lol, yes i know its crazy O_O</p>