UC Riverside Class of 2027 Official Thread

Last year SDSU also released acceptances on 2 days. This year was once (not accounting for very early admits) followed by a day of waitlists and the rejection day the following day. So, I don’t think we can base our expectations on last year results. But I’m still hopeful.

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I just cant understand why ucr is making us wait this long

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It’s very frustrating indeed. We just want to know! If we don’t get in, I guess we’re going to UCM…

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Exactly If they are going to reject us just do it now


However I think there is still a 2nd wave because my friend with a 4.3 is also still waiting I doubt they will reject or waitlist him

I so hope you’re right! We got denied by all UCs except UCM and waitlisted at UCSD. We would love to go to UCR!

Same this is why im so anxious because I’ve gotten rejected from all the other ucs. Well just have to be glued to our computer tomorrow I say check it every 2 hours

Did you even apply to UCM? Or did not want to go there?

I also applied and got in. But I doubt Ill go there its a good school just the surrounding area seems like a dead town. Whats ur gpa and major

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Computer Science. 3.89W…sigh

you should be good I have another friend that got in cs at ucr with a 3.7 however his essays were quite good.

GumbyMom Do you know the acceptance rate and average 3pa for sociology and history?

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I have general acceptance rates for both History and Sociology which is around 80% but no details on admitted GPA.


also around what time were decisions of 2nd wave released

The small wave on the 23rd, posts started around 12:30 PM.

I visited UCM but I don’t mind the poor surrounding area, the only concern is that UCM is the bottom of UC for now. If UCR can admit my son, he will attend it for sure.


According to UCR’s website, the 25%-75% GPA for the freshman class of 2022 was 3.81-4.08. I assume those are weighted, but I’m not sure.

My son had a 3.8 and was accepted as a Poly Sci major on March 1.

Hope that helps!

Yes, they are the Capped Weighted UC GPA.

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have you seen people with 3.0 get into ucr

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