UC Riverside Class of 2027 Official Thread

The admit rates I listed are the % admitted last year for those majors. I do not work in admissions so I do not know when the rest of the decisions will be posting but all decisions should be out by the end of March.

My daughter will be.

Does UCR admit by major?

Yes, they admit by major and will consider your alternate major.

Oh ok. If you get in for your alternate major will you be able to switch to the first major that you put?

There is a process so you usually have to meet course and GPA requirements to switch majors.

Here is link to look at the change of major criteria:

It’s crazy they have not released all of their decisions yet when they started on the 1st. It’s really sad it is taking them the entire month. It seems like they’re waiting on people declining to offer more spots, otherwise not sure why so long.

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Wait so riverside doesn’t come out in waves right? Its just random right?

Nope I called Admissions on Wednesday and they told me there are NO WAVES They release on a RANDOM Basis, so It could be tomorrow all the way up THURSDAY they should all be out by then.

I’m getting a feeling most of the pending apps would be waitlisted. There would be rejections as well… Waitlist would also have the same kind of waiting…

She Told me that the fact that you haven’t received a decision yet doesn’t necessarily mean rejection or waitlist

Some rejections were sent out on the 1st so if you haven’t gotten anything there is still a chance

I see… that’s positive…but if a large number of apps are pending, I think there would certainly be a waitlist wave either Wed or Thursday… normally they waitlist like 5-6 thousands right… and they have not done any so far looks like…

Ive heard of Rejections but not waitlist so its possible but I think for most people that applied to other ucs definitely ucr is a safety so there a shot of getting in after waitlist

I’m also waiting -“Undeclared - Life Sciences”… yes if we get into waitlist I believe there would be waitlist movement…

Yeah I mean all we can do now is wait and hope we get in, at least all the stress shall be over by the end of the week☘️

I think the only safety is Merced at this point. The schools seem to not be accepting people they think won’t be going there.

@avfall23adm and @collegeuser23 what were your stats and major? If you look upstream you can see how competitive you are

Is UCR out for anyone yet?

it’s already released many acceptances