UC Riverside Class of 2027 Official Thread

You are absolutely right, hot weather is one of cons. I guess if my son goes there, he has to stay inside building in summer :slight_smile:

Have him back to Bay area to take ASU online class during summer. I heard that ASU has a very good online program too.

Good luck!

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Rejected as well today from Riverside. Would be accepting my top choice major - Bioengineering / pre-med from Merced as well even though I have OOS top 30 school acceptances… UC Merced is almost catching up to Riverside in just 17 years while UC Riverside has been there for almost 70 years… that should tell everyone about the explosive growth that Merced is having and more to come in the future with new Med School and expansion… Also UC Merced is on a semester system like Berkeley… which suits me better. The only reason I was waiting for Riverside is because I live only 40 mins from UC Riverside…


Did you check your award letter they went out like a week ago?

S23 rejected today for EE. He was tired of waiting, and decided to love the school that loves him. Committed to UH-Manoa for EE over the weekend. We’re super excited for him! Good luck to everyone!


Yes I got award letter… no aid as expected but we are fine as it’s still cheapest among all other options…

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See you everyone on Bobcat Day - April 22… and Good Luck to all! The long process is coming to and end today!

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We will be visiting campus April 13-14. Can’t wait to love campus that chose us!

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D was accepted to the same major at UCM. I’m glad to see someone with such positivity towards UCM. We will be attending the local event and the classes on 4/20.

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I’ve been invited to attend the admitted students day at the colleges were I was accepted. What is the difference from just going and touring the campus?

Some of us may not be about to make it on that day due to distance or other admitted events. Local events are more convenient. But you might get merch at the events held on campus.

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I will go to a local UCM event. It is defintely on my list to consider now. Stay positive!

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how do you sign up

I’m also hyped up about UCM positivity in general. Ultimately our kids will make the right choice. But how times have changed! When I applied to college 30 years ago, my counselor begged me to apply to more than 1 UC. I only wanted to go to UCLA. And, only applied to UCLA for Bio with 3.7 GPA and got in…Nowadays, kids have to jump through crazy hoops and still have no guarantees. Stay positive my friends! We also will be attending local event in OC after we get back from in-person tour of Merced April 13-14.



Thank You

See you are UCM Event on April 1


ASU has rolling admissions, so anyone can still apply. Same with Arizona, both great schools. It’s hot though, but our weather has been awful lol.

Daughter accepted to UCR Biology - invited to honors college- waitlisted UCSD, UCSC. Accepted to OSU, WSU, ASU
GPA - 4.35 - CSU-4.1
We’re going next week to tour UCR
They have a great biology department and medical school.
Anyone else planning to visit next week?
Thanks :blush:


We are visiting next week! Touring on 4/6.

Anyone have any not to miss things to see on campus and nearby?