UC Riverside Class of 2027 Official Thread

Other than housing issues at UCSC, their CS program is not ABET accredited which is not as important for CS majors vs Engineering majors but something else to consider. UCR’s program is ABET accredited.


Thanks, that’s really useful information. We need to think about it again.

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My son is waitlisted at UCR, and today he received an email from UC Merced with an admission offer (He didn’t apply to Merced). I thought the guarantee only applied to students that are in the top 9% of his school. He is no where near the top at his school … so we are very surprised by this offer. Anyone know how they choose?

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The ELC guarantee for UC Merced is top 9% HS or Statewide so it is possible he is eligible for Statewide.

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We didn’t apply to UC Merced, but he did get an offer from admissions this week. So we will have to do some research and now its definitely an option for CE Major. Would need to decide over Fullerton and lots of possible waitlists. Seems like Merced is a difficult campus to commute to from San Diego. No close airports.


Also check the email regarding admitted major for UCM since several posters have stated they received Undeclared instead their first choice major.

So I’m a little confused on the ELC guarantee? We live in San Diego and their is a statewide and local guarantee. I’m sure he was top 9% in his High School. Does that mean there is a chance he will get a Guarantee in a local UC school also, or do they consider the Merced offer a local school since its in California? Thanks in advance.

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ELC local (top 9% at HS) or ELC Statewide (top 9% in California) only guarantees UC Merced as the referral campus.

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The ‘Local Context’ in ELC refers to the graduating high school and not the UC.


I must say, the best thing about the ELC guarantee is that your kid gets confirmation that they are in the top 9%… which is a very welcome confidence booster after being rejected by every UC. :blush:

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For future international freshman applicants and in-state applicants, I also received a UCR achievement scholarship for a total of $54000 and was accepted on April 8th for neuroscience with a 3.8 UC GPA!

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I was just admitted to UCR despite never applying. Major admitted to was History which is my intended major for the UCs I did apply to. I am caught off guard since yes I am in the 9% but already admitted to UCM for elc. Didn’t know i could be admitted to more than one school?


Interesting. UCR has not been an ELC campus for several years now. Since you were admitted off the UCSC waitlist, are you leaning towards that option? UCR does admit by major so maybe there are several spots open for History majors? With the focus of so many applicants on STEM related majors, many of the Humanities majors are falling on the way side.

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I was admitted just now for English, never applied


Congratulations to both of you!

Glad to read that UCR may be an option for ELC as well.

i got admitted to ucr for microbiology after having been accepted to uc merced around 2 weeks ago. still waiting on my davis appeal and uc berkeley waitlist :sweat_smile:, but i’ve committed to cal poly slo. i was a little shocked since i know a good amount of kids waitlisted or rejected at uc riverside, so the elc guarantee is very interesting.


My S23 has committed to UCR for the CS program after considering all the acceptances he has. He felt that he will be the happiest at UCR and that sealed it for him and us!


My sons friend was also just admitted to UCR yesterday after getting UCM a couple of weeks ago. He was admitted for linguistics. Applied to neither.

He has aleady committed to Cal Poly SLO also.


I still haven’t heard from UCR. I was just in the last round of transfer admissions for UCSD and I expected to hear from UCR too. Is anyone else in the same position?