UC Riverside Class of 2027 Official Thread

Has anyone received admission updates from UCR post March 1st? UCR website says:
Admission decisions for fall quarter begin posting on [MyUCR] in early March, and will continue to post daily thereafter. Do not be discouraged if you do not see your admission decision by March, this is just the date that these decisions begin posting."
Doesn’t seem to be daily and perhaps we have to wait a couple of weeks for the next update.

I don’t believe its by major because my friend and I applied to sociology and she already received an acceptance and I have not

Can I have the link of the UCR website? I could not find the message.


I cant seem to be able to post a link here. But it is under “Frequently Asked Questions - UCR Admissions” under “Application for Admission” subsection.

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Has anyone received an email about applying for the Honors program? Thoughts on the Honors program are welcome. Is it very intensive?

My kid just did. I’m also curious how intensive it is particularly for pre-med students who are trying do other stuff like volunteering etc.

I just checked SPAM folder and found the invitation for Honors program.

@Gumbymom - We received the invitation to apply to Honors as well. Does it go out to all admitted students? Just trying to figure out the pool of applicants. Thank you!

No, only admitted students that meet the Honors College criteria are invited to apply.

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Thank you. I saw that on their website but couldn’t tell what those criteria are. Does anyone know, by chance?

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Our daughter received the honors invite as well. It was hiding in her junk email. She has an unweighted 3.6 GPA with a 3.8 weighted GPA. She took seven honors classes (four of which were senior year) in English, History, Spanish, and Advanced Theatre, and did not take any APs by choice. She goes to a private school in the bay area.


Same, in the junk mail folder. Thanks to all who warned to check there.

Not sure my son wants to write two 500 word essays though. Hmmm.

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Is that her UC weighted GPA? Just Sophomore and Junior years?

Oh, I’m sorry. I believe her UC-weighted GPA is 4.0. I believe that is sophomore and junior years.

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Gotcha! Thanks!

Just to update: I was invited to apply to the honors college today- the deadline is April 2! Good luck everyone :)))

My son has, too.

Any inputs from anyone on the Honors program? Is it intensive?

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Honors college criteria for Freshman admits:

  1. 3.80 UC Calculated GPA
  2. Satisfaction of Entry Level Writing Requirement, and eligibility to register for ENGL004 fall quarter

Excellent High School Record of:

  1. Scholarship
  2. Leadership
  3. Community Involvement

2 500 word essays to apply.


Is there a separate thread for transfer decisions (i.e., Class of 2025)?