**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

Grad school is always there, and there’s no need to go the MD route. She could, for example, do a PhD (for which she’d get paid a salary and have her tuition waived) and become a researcher at a university lab, a pharma company, a hospital, etc.

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She does have acceptances for Bio Engineering from Purdue, Northeastern, Drexel & UPitt
Decision making is becoming tough :thinking:

FWIW, bioeng in Purdue and Pitt are both very strong. Biology and Bioengineering are very different degrees; I think that should be an important driver of her decision. In bioengineering a substantial amount of the education goes towards understanding and making biocompatible prosthetics, artificial tissue, engineered bacteria, bio imaging, computational biology, etc. As in any engineering degree, there is emphasis on “making.”


Good luck! Looks like she has great choices; always a good problem to have!

@GPVee CollegeBownd is right. Very different. Our choices are great between Pitt and Purdue. NEU guarantees her co-ops which are amazing for an undergrad. Graduate with two co-Ops and you’re well positioned.

Bio engr is also a lot more math vs bio undergrad.

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Similar for my son, applied for Bioengineering, admitted to Biological Science. He got in Bioengineering at UIUC, Wisconsin, and Florida. Considering the major and cost, my son will attend somewhere else. It would be different if he was admitted to Bioengineering.

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I got in but I will be declining my spot in the Class of 2025, as I will most likely be committing to Pitzer. I’m hoping this will be helpful for anyone on the wailist, and enable them to become deserving Tritions. Good luck everyone, no matter what happens!


Congratulations! Was Pitzer’s financial aid package amazing? I’ve heard great things about the Claremont consortium.

I’m a low-income student so I got virtually a full ride! The consortium is really what allured me! It’s actually ironic, in a way both the consortium and the way San Diego splits it’s academic population into different colleges is a bit similar to an extent, but I think what won me Pitzer was it’s smaller population and the large emphasis on preparing students for grad school!

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Does anybody know about the PATHS scholarship program? Just received an invitation letter from SD but I don’t know whether I should apply.

My daughter got accepted into Human Biology too and we are also not specific about pre-med path. She may do MS and then Ph.D. if she is ready :slight_smile:

I just want to know what are my chances for applying to ucsd for undeclared and electrical engineer major. I have a 4.15 weighted uc gpa uncapped 3.7 unweighted, I am taking 5 ap exams for now in my sophomore year and my junior year and 6 ap exams in my senior year. My extracurricular is the stanford ai summer camp, building a ai product.

I suggest you call the department and find out the success rate of changing majors.

I’m likely committing to Pitzer too! Maybe I’ll see you next year!

I was accepted to the Revelle College for a Biology Major on the pre med path. I wanted to know how the biology program is and if we will have access to research opportunities and stuff like that.

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what is social life like at ucsd? i’ve heard ucsd be referred to as “uc socially dead” is that true lol?

Don’t listen to them too much. Socially dead or not is a relative term. If you are fit, you will enjoy. You will have friends to hang out. There are a lot of restaurants. Ramen lovers go to Convoy Street where Asian restaurants are clustered. I always see UCSD kids enjoying meal with friends. San Diego has everything you need. Ocean, desert, mountain (driving distance). There is a paraglide cliff next to UCSD.


I love watching the Torrey Pines hang gliders take off!

If you walk down the trail, there’s Balck’s Beach. Go to the right, it’s America’s biggest nudist beach. Go to the left, just chill and enjoy the ocean.

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Guys, I have a question… I’m an incoming international freshman this year, and will be majoring in economics. I was accepted into some schools, but the three that I’m mainly considering are UCSD, UVA and UT Austin. I know that academically they are pretty much at the same level, but I’d like to know, considering this is the UCSD thread, what aspects of UCSD you think are better than UVA and UT Austin. Thanks!

I’ll just give some facts - we live in San Diego, but also lived in Austin for 6 years.

UT Austin is right in the middle of downtown Austin - a true college town. UCSD is up the road from San Diego and doesn’t have the college town feel - for some like my kid, that’s fine, as that’s not important to him.

UT Austin is REALLY into their football team and sports - actually the entire city is full of pride about the Longhorns. It permeates the culture. Great if you’re into that. At UCSD, sports aren’t as much of a focus since it just became Division 1 recently and they have no football team.

UCSD’s demographics are extremely diverse. I haven’t looked at UT Austin’s stats, but even with a fair number of international students, I don’t think they’d match UCSD for diversity.

Some would probably debate this with me, but I think San Diego area has more diverse food choices than Austin as well.

Austin residents will often say it’s as much like southern California as you’ll get outside of California. And it is. But it is still Texas, infused with all things Texas from the food to politics to music. The two places are very different.

UCSD has the Pacific Ocean. UT does not.

UCSD has better weather. Yes, it can be foggy or overcast on many mornings and there’s a chill, but Austin has extremely hot summers and extremely high humidity. Hot summer weather can extend into October.

UCSD is accessible to a lot of other places - LA is a couple of hours away with no traffic or you can take the train; you can also get to skiing in Big Bear. Austin has San Antonio 60-90 minutes away and Dallas a couple of hours away.

I have no experience with UVA.

It’s all about what’s important to you. And, is cost a factor? Academics being equal, I’d think a lot about paying 2x the cost for one university or another. Good luck making your decision and congratulations on having so many great choices!


Wow, thanks for the great answer! :smile:

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