**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

Thanks, near UTC mall should be fine. I will look there

My husband did Embassy Suites too. Lots of nearby restaurants.

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Is your son still waiting to hear from other colleges?

No. Just feeling gun shy. He’s a very thoughtful and pragmatic young man, and still wonders if it doesn’t make sense to do a year at CC and then apply as a transfer. (He has many CC credits already.) And while he hates to admit it, and hates the fact that he feels this way, he’s still disappointed that he didn’t get into Cal because he would really love that reaction one gets when they say they go to Cal. My other son, his brother, goes there. He knows, though, that with Regents, and direct admission to his major, UCSD could still be the better choice even if he had gotten into Cal. So, committing is having to let go of that hope of ever of going to Cal or another “wow” school. Of course UCSD is a wow school by many measures, but he didn’t know much about it.

All of that said, he is learning what a great reputation UCSD has, and liked what he saw when we visited last weekend. And he got really excited when we penciled out what his classes would be. Looking at the actual courses is what brought him from 75% to 90%.

Wow schools aren’t for everyone! Fit is more important. That occasional reaction might be cool but the day to day reality of loving where you are living and learning is way better. Just my 2 cents.

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My son also hasn’t committed yet but 90% leaning. He isn’t looking for a wow factor, but I think he feels it’s too close to home. But we got so great info from friends that their kids already at UCSD. For example, you can take as many classes as you want, no extra charge because the tuition is one price. Our friend’s daughter has 2 majors and 1 minor. (Major in chemical engineering and Psychology, and minor in education). Also, UCSD takes the AP as 1 year credit (you have to get 4 or 5 in AP, or some credit for 3), while Davis only takes an AP as a half-year credit. Our friend’s daughter could bypass all first year courses, and took the sophomore courses right away as a freshman. She also said that she went to the overnight stay at Cal, and found that the class size has 1,800 students(math), 1,600 in chem and 1,100 in Psychology where as UCSD never has any class size over 1,000 and there is a break out in small focus group. This gal got accepted to Yale but chose to go to UCSD and super happy about it. Mom is happy to because she said the kids at UCSD are so well-behaved in the dorm (okay maybe we don’t have to tell our kids this, lol). As far as the activities, the RA threw some party and activities every weekend, but it stopped because of COVID. But it should start back up. The students really observed COVID rule and the cases on the campus is extremely low.


UCSD AP credit is dependent upon the Residential college so make sure you check the AP policy for your student’s college at UCSD.


@PurpleFaithful Google UCSD four year plan and you can input your child’s college, major and review the 4 year sample plan. I would then compare that with the AP credit given for that specific UCSD college and you can see what you can cross off.

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Thanks. We did check the Warren’s requirements already after the friend told us. My son would get pretty good amount of credits. Enough to bypass about 6 courses.

@PurpleFaithful My son got into Sixth and we compared the requirements. I feel like UCI and UCSD are very comprehensive and flexible (that was the last check for my son before he picked UCI
came to that granular of details!). He only would’ve had to take the CAT series that his college requires (Warren is SYN series, I think) and two more GEs, including the DEI one. It’s a great time saver.

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There are a lot of constructions and upgrades of facilities in UCSD. Admitted students can enjoy these expansions and new facilities right on time. UCSD still has a lot of room to expand unlike other UC campuses where the campus settings don’t allow any more expansions .


I was involved with the construction of Mesa Nuevo housing project, and our office is currently working on Torrey Pine theatre district living and learning neighborhood project.

With this light rail blue line to Downtown connection, I think UCSD has a potential to attract more applicants, and soon surpasses UCLA for most popular University in the nation.


UCSD light rail blue line

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I agree. I think the trolley project is going to make UCSD feel a lot more connected to the rest of San Diego and offer kids a lot more options for having fun off campus without having to worry about a car. We drove by Franklin Antonio Hall a few weeks ago and that building is going to be spectacular! I didn’t realize they’re also looking at revamping the university center with a TBD date; I wish that could get done in time but I’m guessing Class of 2025 might just miss it!

Overall we were really pleased with how much the university is investing in new buildings, transit, student life and accommodating growth. They are lucky to have so much buildable land.


You are so right to be evaluating this. Why struggle to obtain the major you want when you can just go somewhere else to achieve your goal? My roommates and I realized this as college students at UCs. Many majored in something else (just to say that they would graduate from a UC) and eventually had regrets, or had to take a longer path to their destination.


Oh, yes, but the two are not mutually exclusive. A wow school could’ve been a great fit. :slight_smile:

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Wow!!! That looks amazing!!! It said the trolley would be opening in late 2021! Is it really going to be going to downtown, and/or connecting to the main public transportation in SD?

The blue line already exists, and is called UCSD Blue Line running from downtown to San Ysidro near the border. I think this blue line project is extension of existing line to UCSD in La Jolla.

I walked to UCSD this afternoon. The station is still in construction. It’s very close to the Jacobs School of Engineering, near Warren College and Price Center.

Its a nice walk but walkable from Marriot. There is a bus that goes up LJ Village Drive and it would be an easy uber also

This doesn’t matter for all of us, but just for your info.

My office is in a design team to design the 8th college dormitory at the Theater District of the campus. The project is called Theatre District Living and Learning Neighborhood. This is probably completed in 2023.


I am not sure but I bet if you write to the admission counselor in that department, they will be able to give you those numbers.
Good luck!