**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

More housing is always a plus! And I love that they’re calling it the Theatre District - is that an integration with La Jolla Playhouse?

Not familiar with La Jolla playhouse, but they are constructing at the nearby parking lots from the Playhouse. They will make a massive underground parking under the building complex.

Thx my daughter will likely end up at UCSD as a theatre student

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I am not sure what the eight college will emphasize. Maybe performing art like you said.
Then UCSD is becoming a competitor to UCLA. How exciting. But again this 8th college dorms are still in the designing phase. The construction will probably start in a year from now.

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if you had the option to go to the University of Washington undeclared but it’s in-state or UC san Diego direct major what would you choose? For economics by the way

We visited last Sunday. Ran into a friend’s son who gave us a tour of the school. It’s big and quiet. I think there’s some school store opened but only to students. The food court is opened to public, but limited to a few restaurant (we didn’t check).

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Can you afford UCSD without taking on a large amount of debt? UW is a great school so having little to no debt upon graduation is priceless.


yes I can so im not sure which school would be the right fit. The weather is great in san deigo plus I want to get out of state but im not sure

If they both affordable, there is no bad option but make sure you include travel costs for UCSD. Direct admit into the major is always an advantage. Have you visited UCSD? What are your career plans as an Econ major? Do you want to stay in California?

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I want to go into law after my undergrad and I definitely want to stay in Cali, but I haven’t visited the campus.

Is UCSD ranked higher than UW? Both schools weren’t my first choice and if I wanted to transfer to UCB would be in the UC system help? And if I didn’t get into UCB is UCSD a good school

If you cannot visit, then I suggest you look at some of the YouTube videos and virtual campus tours of the UCSD campus and surrounding area. Also a lot of posters are giving their impressions of the campus so read through the discussion.

I am not one for rankings since the criteria can be limited. If Law school is your goal, then doing well academically and making good connections with your professors and a High LSAT will be important more than the name of the school and it can be achieved at either school if you are motivated. Select the school where you think you will thrive as an Undergrad.

It is possible to transfer from UCSD to UCB as a Junior level transfer (90 quarter units) but I would not go to any school with the mindset of transferring. Embrace all opportunities at either school and you will do well.


thank you for your advice!

I live in San Diego, and UCSD is so close that I did not pay attention to this school. Completely under my radar. I knew it was a good school, but I did not know it was one of the top schools. I recently learned that UCSD was very strong in STEM, and I did not know that the school of Engineering was top 9 in the nation. Certainly I did not know that UCSD Economics was top 12 in the nation. Berkeley and UCLA are almost the household names of the UC schools, but UCSD is also quietly as good. Just that UCSD is not famous. My wife mentioned to me a couple days ago, that UCSD is now trying to branding themselves. No one knows UCSD outside of the State, now they want to call themselves “UC San Diego” instead of UCSD. So people will know who they are. Not explicitly stated by UCSD, but UCSD is trying to be like UCLA I feel. They became a Division 1 school this year. It appears the the future college, the 8th college, will be for the performing arts and theatre. I feel like UCSD has an ambition to be similar to UCLA.


Hi! Would love to know if you have had a hard time registering for classes or getting into classes when you want to take them?

Could someone explain how the colleges work? Like the sixth and others and switching and what it means. If I can change my major to an uncapped major before attending

The residential colleges are not tied to any specific majors and once admitted, changing colleges is very difficult.

This link explains the reason behind the residential colleges: Colleges

Here is information on how to change residential colleges:
-Transfers between undergraduate colleges at UCSD are only granted under exceptional circumstances.

-The requirements to petition for the exception include:
-Minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA.
-Student must demonstrate that the transfer will shorten time to degree by at least two full time quarters (which must include elective units, major, and general education requirements). This is demonstrated by the submission of comprehensive quarter- by -quarter plans for both the home college and the desired college, with equivalent course loads.
-Students who entered as freshmen must have completed their first year at their home college, completed the ELWR as well as college writing requirement, and have completed no more than 135.0 units.

Petitions for inter-college transfers based on general education preferences or the intention to double major or minor are not considered.

Does anyone have a recommendation for an app or Facebook group to help find a roommate at UCSD? My daughter will be in 7th college and would rather find a roommate than go random.

This one is run by students. The other one is run by a third party that is not affiliated with UCSD. Please make sure your daughter is cautious about posting personal information on social media.

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Need advice on something. My son is planning to attend UCSD in the Fall. (He hasn’t yet, though, pulled the trigger, so to speak, with the SIR.) He is currently struggling with a really bad situation in his 2nd semester ASL class (technically the second 8 week class that counts as a semester).

I know that a school can rescind an offer of admission if anything important changes in what the student said they had “planned” and “in-progress” in their senior year. I know that if there are changes the student is supposed to notify admissions. But what I don’t know is is there anyone that you contact at a school that can, essentially, give you permission to drop a class? He already called admissions and the person he spoke with couldn’t really tell us anything we didn’t already know. He’d also like to know if maybe even just taking it pass/no pass could cause them to rescind. And for what it’s worth, he did not complete all A-G requirements in UC-approved classes; he was admitted via the “by exception” method due to being homeschooled. Of course that doesn’t mean they didn’t value the A-G classes he did take and planned to take, like this class.

Also possibly complicating this is his offer of the Regents scholarship. Could that too change with any changes he makes in regards to this class? How would we find that out?

He’s miserable and needs to know what actions he can take that will not jeopardize his admission and scholarship. He is trying to remedy the situation with the instructor, but has little hope that it will sufficiently change his misery, and wishes he could drop the class, or at least take it pass/no pass to take some pressure off.

"Pass (P) or Credit (CR) grades earned in spring, summer, and fall 2020, as well as spring and summer 2021, will meet A-G requirements for any student who was enrolled in high school during the 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic years. This includes students currently enrolled in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.

Our campus admission offices are mindful of the many obstacles students and schools alike are currently facing. Nonetheless, UC strongly encourages potential applicants to take, whenever possible, A-G courses for letter grades, especially those in English and mathematics, as well as those in prospective major fields."
From : UC admissions and COVID-19 | UC Admissions

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