**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

AP’s are misleading at many colleges. You can have “sophomore credit standing” due to the AP units but they are generally, for most students, empty units. In practice you can expect AP’s to help somewhat but in general all the classes will be taken once enrolled. Getting out in less than 4 years at any UC is really only possible if the student takes alot of classes each quarter or are in a low unit major and the AP units help get the student to the min 180 needed to graduate.

Not sure about other schools but for class enrollment passes UCLA only counts UC units for standing. So a sophomore standing freshman will have the same enrollment pass time as the other freshman.


I’m am not sure about dual enrollment but my hunch is that if was used for HS credit it will most likely not count towards pass times. Each UC handles registering for classes differently and you can usually find the info on their website. My understanding for the reason to not count AP units when determining registration pass times is because it created inequity based on whether one’s HS offered more/less classes and if one was able to pay for the AP exams.

One’s major is also important. STEM fields usually need a year of bio, chem, calc and physics. I would recommend looking at the pre-reqs for the upper div classes and work backwards. For example, gen chem is a pre-req for Ochem and Ochem might be a pre-req for an upper div class. Physics, on the other hand, is usually required for bio sci majors but isn’t usually a pre-req for upper div classes. AP units for humanities might help one get out of GEs but doesn’t help you get into lower div science classes.

Course registration can make or break a student’s experience. It is the reason that honors programs at one school might be more attractive than non honors at another.

Examples of enrollment guidelines:

UCLA Undergraduate Enrollment Passes | UCLA Registrar’s Office

UCD Registration Pass Times

UCB Enrollment Appointments and Phases | Student Information Systems

UCI UCI University Registrar - Enrollment Windows

I don’t know if it is still the case but UCSD used to offer priority registration to students who worked as tour guides, bus drivers or CSOs. SLO does the same for certain on campus jobs or volunteer boards.

While it is true that my daughter at UCD was waitlisted several times, she has always cleared the waitlist. Also, those classes that are hard to get into - she got into the early morning sessions that usually had spots available! She is graduating in 4 years, having been P/T for two quarters.

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:slight_smile: I’ve definitely sensed a pattern at a few schools that if kids are willing to take the early morning class, they have an easier time! I distinctly remember an awful 8 AM math class when I was in college. I sort of chuckle at the thought my son may have to run the same gauntlet. :joy:


There are always spaces in 7am classes :slight_smile: or at least, the waitlist moves faster!

Do you think Davis Or San Diego is gonna come out today?

Davis portal seems to be not loading, could mean decisions are imminent.

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Mine is loading…

Seen a couple people say this about Davis portal…mine is loading and still says pending.

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Mine is fine too.

yeah I only saw one person on the davis discussion say it was not working

I still haven’t gotten my Davis portal lmao.

Any chance San Diego comes out today?



there’s a chance, but no one really knows

My portal is still pending…
I heard back from UCSB today and was accepted. I thought for sure when I checked UCSD I would hear from them too. I was accepted to SDSU. San Diego is my dream.

if it were today would they have said something by now? Or do they not usually tell you in advance

i think we would of seen some posts by now if any were released today :slight_smile:

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Ah that stinks! Okay

does anyone know when we are supposed to hear back from UC San Diego?