**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

Sorry Uci waitlist

yes. UC acceptances are pretty random. i’ve heard people getting rejected from uci/ucsb/ucd/ucsd and getting into ucla/cal. even rejects from csus and getting into ucla/cal.

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May I ask how you got waitlisted to UCB? I thought they’ve only released some acceptances.

He meant UCI

Does UCSD only do Fall admits for waitlist or do they also offer Winter admission?

Yeah I can understand that. I feel my chances at UCLA and Cal are honestly higher than at UCSD because my ECs were all activism and advocacy work for sexual assault and domestic violence non-profits, which I think just align better with those institutions in terms of what they’re looking for.

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What are they looking for? I personally have no idea what the various UC campuses value and how they judge applicants. I think thats part of the overall frustration people feel with the process. Its hard to play the game when you dont know the rules. That being said, I totally commend you for your advocacy work regardless of how the UCs may ultimately judge it.


@Gumbymom already shared this, but here it is again: How applications are reviewed | UC Admissions. I agree that it’s difficult to know what each UC campus values, but that’s definitely true for most colleges with competitive admissions.

This is just rumor and interpretation obviously, but my aunt lives in La Jolla and does research at the med school for UCSD and from what she has told me about both faculty and general population in La Jolla is that it tends to be a lot more conservative than other parts of San Diego, and drastically more than LA or San Fran. And also UCSD is just more of a STEM-focused school, not to say that they don’t have great programs for other majors, but they definitely have a STEM specialty. My coursework in high school and my ECs reflect a more humanities and liberal driven applicant, so I’d assume my chances at UCLA and Cal despite the acceptance rates being lower, are probably higher than they would be at UCSD.

Thanks for this. I’ve read it many times and there is plenty of ambiguity in the list of 13 points. And of course there is this sentence “Some factors we may consider…”. So what are the other factors? I know its impossible to make the admissions process black and white.

Interesting points. As an alum I would say that overall as an institution UCSD is more known for STEM research. However, the individual colleges definitely has different focuses. For example Revelle attracts all the STEM students. Hopefully you ranked the colleges on your app to align with your interests. I sincerely wish you the best of luck with your applications.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

UCSD only admits for the Fall.

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UCSD’s admissions website says, We’re looking for fearless innovators. Bold risk-takers. Those with a compulsive urge to take things apart, discover what makes them tick and put them back together in surprising new ways. People who are eager to swap ideas, share experiences and explore the world with a fresh perspective. If that sounds like you, start building your future at UC San Diego.

UCLA’s admission website says You’re idealistic, driven and creative. You love learning and hearing different points of view. You feel empathy for others and believe everyone deserves a fair shot. You see obstacles as a chance to grow. You are a changemaker, just like us. Together? We’re unstoppable.

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When are decisions releasing?
Can someone call the admissions office.


LOL! Thats great marketing fluff.

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The fact that I wrote a PIQ about empathy and that’s their mission statement :sob:

Many people have called. On Reddit, all who called got an extremely generic answer. Apparently, decisions are done, but there’s some issue with their system.

Please could you send the reddit link

oh wow so that could mean they’ll come whenever they get it sorted unrelated to previous years etc