**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**


Does UCSD publish the numbers admitted and average GPA’s for the Real Estate major?

That I am not sure about.

or Northwestern university

is there a sheet of admits by major from last year?

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Do people seem to think odds are higher of this week or next week for decisions?

@Luckygal23 @gemmstar: If UCSD has published this information, it is a great secret since I have not been able to find it for the last 8 years.

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@lolbananagirl Pretty confident it will be this week either Thursday or Friday. Its in UCSD’s best interest to release before Cal and UCLA since by then its likely theyll lose cross admits to those schools.


Do you think they’re going after the impulse deciders? SIRs aren’t due til 5/1, so I would think students applied to UCSD and who prioritize Cal or UCLA would still pick them regardless of when UCSD decisions are announced?

@MommaLue That to me seems like a reasonable explanation. I’m sure there will be some candidates that impulse decide, then withdraw and go for UCLA or Cal. They forfeit their deposit in that case. Again this is speculation but its why UCLA and Cal are typically the last ones.

There might be an element of psychology here. If I get to a top tier school first, my interest in looking at the admission for the next tier school will drop and I could care less about that decision unless finances are at play. On the other hand I am viewing my safety schools letters very seriously right now knowing how crazy admissions are this year. So If I am a second tier college I would want to approach the admitted kids first to hopefully keep them interested in accepting even though I know once they get admission to the top tier they will not likely look back.

Real Estate Development is a relatively new major at UCSD. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any stats related to specific majors at UCSD. However, i know the program is already very strong and a great choice if you are thinking about going into RED as a career.

I’m hoping in general that a lot of students will hear good news this year from UCSD as they added a seventh college and extra dorms.

Good luck to everyone.


any chance they release it today?


Nobody knows
Maybe, maybe not.

All we know is that we’re all going to put on our clown makeup as we wait for another day that is probably not going to be decision day but we feel like it is :sob::clown_face:


I’ve stopped taking it off I just sleep in it :clown_face:


People are out here sleeping? Can’t relate :sob: if I got a sum total of 6 hours sleep this week, I would be surprised


stop hahaha this thread is getting too funny

Humour is my only coping mechanism. It’s laughter or tears. Leave me be :joy::joy::sob:


Does anyone know if there is a benefit to having attended a high school as the same geographical area of the UC? My high stat kid (4.46 W GPA, 3.92 UW GPA, 12 AP Classes) is being shut out of all the UCs this decision season and this feels like our last chance. Hoping since we live in San Diego that might help? Fingers crossed! I can’t afford the private schools!