**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

I have a question for you- will PM. Thanks for making yourself available - I’ve watched a lot of videos and still not finding the info I need!

Thank you for correcting that.

Hello everyone,
Congrats on the admission or waitlist! I am currently a Junior double majoring in Public Health & Human Developmental Sciences at UCSD, Muir College. If anyone has any questions on anything UCSD-related I would love to answer!

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Hi! Have they announced how open classes and freshman housing will be? My son admitted to seventh and any impressions of that newer school are welcome. Thank you!

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I have a general question. If someone in any UC including UCSD recieve regents scholarship and choose not to attend that UC, is that scholarship money awarded to someone else? If so, is there any way to submit a request for it, if we have been accepted to that UC and really want to attend, but need some financial assistance?

Hello Thanks for helping out. My son got admitted as undeclared into sixth college. I understand that you need to take some courses , maintain a minimum GPA and get into a lottery system to get admission into the CS program . But can we have other programs like Math + CS and Data Science as options 2 and 3 if you don’t get the lottery ? Basically I want to make sure my son gets into one of these 3 programs (pure CS or Math+CS or Data Science) before we commit for attending ? Appreciate any pointers here.

I am the same question. Hope someone knowledgeable can answer.

The direct admit to CS at UCSB is fantastic. I can’t imagine putting up with UCSD lottery nonsense when UCSB offers 4 year on campus housing guarantee and smaller class sizes

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Congratulations on being accepted! UCSD re-evaluates whether they should open every quarter. At the moment, they are allowing researchers back on-campus. Some students have been able to take in-person classes. These classes are outside and follow COVID mandates (social distancing, mask-wearing, etc…). Summer classes are still offering online & in-person courses. If you want to see how current in-person classes look like you can search “UCSD Outdoor Classrooms” on google images.
Last year the class schedule for Fall Quarter was released 5/19, we should find out whether classes will be online or in-person during this time. Classes that say RCLAS are online, RCLAS and point out a specific classroom are hybrid, and classes that only point out a specific classroom are in-person. When the schedule comes out your student can check on UCSDs’ WebReg. You can also access information by searching “UCSD class enrollment”.
For more information on Student Housing, you can go to UCSD HDH which contains information on available housing options for freshmen, rates, and deadlines. I tried including links to these sites but found that the system does not allow it. Thank you!

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Congratulations on your admission. I received the CASP Scholarship which gives $40,000 spread over the 4 years and initially the office had not included it in my financial aid estimate. I would recommend you contact the financial aid office if you believe you qualify for a specific award, they are really nice and are always open to helping current and potential students.

I also want to add that there are various resources available to students and that the cost of tuition is not 100% accurate. For example, you can get free textbooks through ASP Book-lending at UCSD. All UCSD students also get an MTS pass - which lowers transportation costs. If you are part of any underserved community and that community has an office on-campus they all offer free printing, free testing booklets, and other resources.

Regents is merit based and you cannot ask specifically for that money. Remember they admit more students than actually enroll so true not all Regents recipients will enroll at UCSD, but they have an idea of their yield so the money will not go to waste.

With an EFC of around $33K, you and your parent’s finances do not show any “need” and each school determines their definition of “need” for students. You can try to get more money but with the UC’s they do not negotiate FA. Are you parents having an issue with the costs? Did they know the UC costs before you applied?

makes sense.

wasn’t there a way to submit ACT score anyway on the application?

All the majors listed are Capped majors so no one can guarantee that your student will be able to change. You need to take a leap of faith to attend UCSD but if your student has a direct admit elsewhere then they should consider that school for that guarantee.

Oh ok thank you!

My parents knew the costs for the most part but we thought we would qualify for more aid and when we ran online calculators, most colleges seems to give us some need based aid. I think we grossly underestimated the COA thought for whatever reason. I guess I’ll just wait for the final offer to come through and possibly appeal.

Does UCSD have any department or in colege scholarships that you can apply after getting in? Are those extremely competitive? And what money range would that fall in?

You can email the FA office and hopefully they can direct you to some scholarships for matriculated students.

You may email your questions to finaid@ucsd.edu. Most questions receive responses within 3 to 4 business days.

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Yes, but it was there from before the situation was settled. They were not allowed to consider it.

Looking for a UCSD parents FB group - it looks like there are actually several, though. Anyone join one yet and find it helpful? The SLO group is awesome and full of information.

My daughter was admitted to seventh. She is an environmental science major so it was her first choice. I would love to know more as well since it is such a new college. I did see on the website that freshmen live In Apartments with double occupancy and they look very nice. Happy to read no triple Occupancy in double rooms this year.

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How is the psychology department, specifically for clinical/counseling psychology? I really have not seen many resources at all for that specific part of psychology, mostly just social psych and other areas. Thank you :slight_smile:

Yup lol, someone else can have my spot xD