UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

Do students get credit for AP’s? For example if you have Ap Art history, Ap world history, Ap macro and micro Econ, Ap cal ab and bc, Ap psychology would these reduce the number of GE’s required at Warren?


Since you have not been admitted, you cannot count on being accepted into Warren. I would wait until you have your decision to determine what AP credit can be used. Each college has their own AP credit policies.

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Here is the AP credit chart for all colleges and a nice summary sheet of the GEs for each college. We did a run through for my son (who will have about a dozen APs upon graduation) and my recollection is that he will be able to cover about half of the GEs with APs if he gets admitted. Though it definitely varied by college.


Thank you.

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Here is the AP credit Chart I was looking for: https://catalog.ucsd.edu/_files/advanced-placement-credit-chart.pdf



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As @Gumbymom said, each college has a different set of GEs. But the generic answer is yes UCSD is very generous with AP credit counts. As long as you report the AP credits after you decide to attend (the official AP report sent directly to UCSD), the credits will apply to your student academic history and show the conversion to UCSD credits. However, the majority of acceptable APs would be the score of either 4 or 5. The credits conversion will only show Pass grade.

As for SAT score, eventhough it was not part of the admission consideration, it is useful for the math and english placement. If you score above a threshold, you will not have to take the freshmen placement test for math and english.


This is such a valuable information. My son has taken several AP’s and has scores of 4’s and 5’s. I am glad to know they are generous with Ap credit counts. My son is looking to devotee his time in research and planned all his Ap’s and cc classes to get maximum GE credits.


Any word on when they’d be releasing the decisons yet?

Probably this friday


With a new Instagram post showing them delivering an admit packet, it would seem this Friday could be the day. It would be nice if they could just announce it, but perhaps they want to leave some wiggle room just in case.


I was hoping that Instagram post was a sign that it would come earlier than Friday! But just wishful thinking.

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Certainly possible. If UCLA is also Friday, I could imagine wanting to go a day or two in advance. But my guess is that they are so busy, they don’t really look much to what other campuses are doing. And there’s nothing official from UCLA either AFAIK.


I think it’ll be today or tomorrow.

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Today? Usually they don’t release on Thursdays

Lol today is Wednesday :joy:

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Ooops haha … feels like time stopped :frowning:

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People are assuming UCLA is Friday based on past pattern. Like UCSD, they have announced nothing.

UCLA and UCSD have released results on the same day in the past. Not every year, but sometimes.

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UC Santa Cruz came out this afternoon!