UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

I didn’t see the SLR form anywhere in the portal…is that because we are California residents?

If there is a question of residency when applying to UCSD, then the form will be required to be filled out prior to decision date and may require documentation. If the UC application clearly indicates that the applicant is a CA residence, then it is a non-issue right now.

Will his application be looked upon negatively if he doesn’t change his alternate major? He really doesn’t want to go to UCSD if he doesn’t get into an Engineering major so I’m not sure why we would change anything.

His application will not be reviewed negatively even with 2 capped majors. UCSD is just giving applicants a 2nd chance to select another alternate major since the UCSD campus might be a priority over a specific major for some applicants. If it is Engineering or bust, then there is no reason to change.


I think your son did the right thing to select the majors he wanted rather than going with the conventional idea of choosing a first choice capped major and the second choice uncapped non-engineering if he would not plan to attend with a non-engineering major. I knew many kids who got quite disappointed with being admitted to second choice major and ended up not choosing to attend anyway. My son (class of 2025) decided to only choose the majors he wanted. It was either getting in the major or he wouldn’t go. He selected Comp Sci (CSE) first choice, and Comp Eng (CE) second choice. Needless to say, he had a lot of rejections. He applied to 14 schools. Got in 3 CSE, 2 CE, 1 CSE waitlist, rejected for the rest. He even made up his mind that if he got 100% rejection, he would go to a community college and transfer later. He was lucky to have good choices. 2021 admission cycle was one of the worst years to apply for college, IMHO. The 2022 cycle was also pretty bad (my second kid, class of 2026). Hopefully, it is better for this 2023 cycle.


Reminder that applicants have until 11:59 pm PST on January 31 to change/update their college ranking and major selection in the applicant portal.


Is there any information on UCSD admit rates by major? Thank you.

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No, UCSD does not post admit rates by major. They admit into the University first and then into the major and will consider alternate majors if listed.

Here is the most recent UCSD student profile information:

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Both the Major I chose are impacted - Chemical Engg and Data Science. If I don’t get into the two majors, will I still be considered Undeclared assuming I get into the University.

Thank you

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Yes, if applying for 2 capped majors and not being admitted into either can result in possibly being accepted as Undeclared. Were you notified by UCSD to change your alternate major to a non-capped option?
One of the issues as being accepted Undeclared is that changing into a Capped major later can be very difficult to impossible.


Thanks @Gumbymom
Yes I received an email from UCSD to chose an Alternate Major that is not impacted before 31st Jan


Good morning all. Quick question about College selection at UCSD. Does an applicant’s ranking of a College have any baring on admissions? And if so, how does it work? Thank you!

The UCSD ranking of the residential colleges has no bearing on your admission chances. There is no majors specific to each college but is based more on the GE requirements, location and each college’s mission/philosophy. Since the UC application submission has passed, you have already ranked the colleges so is there any other specific information you want about the residential colleges?

Thanks for such a quick response! The reason I ask that we have a message in our son’s portal, as I’m sure others do, about the eights college and opportunity to re-rank colleges until Jan. 31.

Eighth College is the newest college so little information is available since this is the first year they are accepting Freshman. Based on a previous post by a UCSD student, the location is the farthest away from the center of campus.

Here is the post:

Eighth College is currently still in the works- it is also incredibly far from everything as well and there is no ocean view to make up for it. I heard a small rumor that Marshall College may be getting rebuilt so Marshall students might be moved there. If this is true, then it will be happening years into the future!

Like I stated above, if you want to make changes to your ranking then review mainly the GE requirements and location.

Edited: This AP credit chart for each college is also helpful.


This Thursday’s “College System” webinar (Jan 26th) is now completely booked. If anyone here was able to register, can you please suggest to the moderator to record it? Thanks in advance!

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We drove by the Eighted College construction the other day. The location is next to Revelle College. So, the line up goes like this as you walk on the main path from the south side of the campus – Eighted ->Revelle → Muir → Sixth → Marshall ->Roosevelt → Seventh, with Warren oddly in the middle-eastern side of the campus closest to Price Center. Seventh is on the northernmost of the campus nearest to Rimac Gym and Rady School of Managenent while Eighted is the southernmost and nearest to the La Jolla Playhouse which is a famous theater in San Diego and is the most convenient to Scripps Oceanography Institute, I think. In term of the oceanview, it seems some rooms will have the view depending on the direction. The best location om campus IMO is Sixth College and Muir. For the GE, it’s also depending on the major but the students in general seems to think that the Seventh’s GE is the easiest to comply.

Honestly, once you get used to walking around the campus, it’s not that bad. But my son made sure his classes space at least 30 min apart. Freshmen classes are all over the places, not always in their college lecture hall. My son is in Warren but his classes were often in Muir, Revelle and Sixth.


If first major selected is capped, any thoughts on if it’s better for alternate to be an uncapped versus undeclared? I understand it will be hard to transfer either way to capped major, just curious thoughts on getting accepted to school at all. Thank you.

My advice is always select an alternate major that you would like to pursue. When applying to UCSD, there are 3 options in which you will be accepted: 1st choice major, alternate major or Undeclared. Since it is possible to not get into your 1st choice or alternate major, Undeclared becomes a default so I would lean towards picking an Uncapped major as an alternate.


I think it depends on your priorities. My son’s first choice is a capped engineering major (all engineering majors are capped). He originally chose an uncapped major as his alternate, but then he decided to switch the alternate to a second engineering major, because he wouldn’t attend UCSD unless he is admitted to the engineering school.

If there is an uncapped major you would be happy with, you could choose that one. I just wouldn’t recommend picking an uncapped major that you don’t want, with the intent to transfer to a capped major. You could end up stuck in a program that you don’t want.