UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

My daughter got accepted into her desired major Cognitive Science but got assigned her 6th ranked college Roosevelt so she is not very happy. When we read the welcome message and about Roosevelt seems like it is for Law and medicine majors and most of the GED class tracks are based on their theme. Can anyone provide any information of Roosevelt college - housing, classes etc?

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I don’t know anything personally, but this is what came up when I just did a quick search. General Education

what’s the differences between the colleges? my daughter got assigned Roosevelt too

College differences are GE requirements, location and dining options


Thanks! The MMW course work is concerning to her and seems like once you are in a college you have to take it in that order

Hey just wanted to give some input as a UCSD student! ERC is located between Seventh’s and Marshall’s dining halls, so they have access to those as well as Cafe V. Its location is not bad, such that it isn’t in the middle of nowhere. As for GEs, there is no sugarcoating the fact that writing sequence is much harder than in some other colleges and there are a lot of GEs to finish. Notably, there is a foreign lang requirement. HOWEVER, many of these requirements can be taken Pass/NP, so it shouldn’t be too much of a pain for students.


Is my daughter able to change the college once she’s accepted?

Inter college transfers are possible but here is the criteria.

Transfers between undergraduate colleges at UCSD are only granted under exceptional circumstances.
The requirements to petition for the exception include:
-Minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA.
-Student must demonstrate that the transfer will shorten time to degree by at least two full time quarters (which must include elective units, major, and general education requirements). This is demonstrated by the submission of comprehensive quarter- by -quarter plans for both the home college and the desired college, with equivalent course loads.
-Students who entered as freshmen must have completed their first year at their home college, completed the ELWR as well as college writing requirement, and have completed no more than 135.0 units.
-Petitions for inter-college transfers based on general education preferences or the intention to double major or minor are not considered.

Also some colleges will not accept transfers.

Hi there! Nice to see you in this thread. What’s your impression of Sixth college? My sense is that it might be a great match for my artsy social sciences (undeclared) major. Is it pretty much a guarantee that a first-year will get housed in their actual college housing for at least that first year, assuming they meet the housing deadlines? The dorms looks nice. (Edited to add: Sixth is the college she was admitted to.)

Thank You! This does help especially the location and GE info. Seems like the building is nice architecture :slight_smile:

My son was accepted to Marshall and I’ve heard they have the worst dining hall. Are students allowed to go to any of the dining halls or only the one they are assigned to?

Marshall student right here! I actually don’t mind OVT at all- there is Mediterranean food, personal pizza, and a cafe there for more context. However, to answer your question, students can go to any dining hall! Marshall is kinda close to Sixth so your son can def walk there for something new!


Unfortunately no, she won’t be able to

how is Roosevelt? she is Biological Sciences Major

I actually live in Sixth! Sixth is absolutely gorg and I feel so lucky to live there honestly cause I’m a Marshall student! To your question- yes you will be able to get housing in Sixth next year as a first year


Roosevelt is also called ERC! You can check out my comments written a couple of posts above

Awesome! I might message you directly to ask you a few questions. :slight_smile: Thank you!

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Does anyone know what the admitted student receptions are like? We are planning to do the admitted students day on campus on 4/8 but we’re wondering if the admitted student reception this Saturday would be beneficial or redundant.

Didn’t your daughter get UCSD Regents? I thought all Regents recipients automatically get their first choice college at UCSD. So your daughter must have specified Roosevelt as her first choice on the UC app.

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We are going to the one in Los ANgeles this Sat. I would think its different since its not on campus but more informal , it’s only 2 hours from 10-12noon