UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

she did choose Roosevelt.

Hi, So if my son got into Warren as a freshman can he choose dorm at Sixth next year (without having to change the colleges) ? Thank you!

Unfortunately, no he won’t be able to…

@smiley_face101 - Okay, Thank you for your response!

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My son got following UC decisions -
Waitlisted - UCI (Not bothering to submit letter of intent)
Waiting - UCB

Major : Neuroscience wherever available (Pre-Med track)

He got Seventh College (4th preference) after Sixth, Muir, Marshall.

UW GPA - 3.97
AP courses - 14 (in school + online)
EC : Published research papers, Hospital volunteering, volunteering with leadership roles.


UCI, UCSD, UCD, SLO which one is a better option for bioengineering/biomedical engineering

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I would post your question in the College Search and Selection forum which might reach a wider audience

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Rankings-wise (for whatever they are worth), I think UCSD would be at the top of that list. US News ranks UCSD undergrad biomed engineering program 7th in the country and the grad school version 4th. I believe the QS and THE rankings would similarly put it at the top of your list for bio/biomed/biotech related majors. Plus the San Diego area has a lot of biotech firms for possible internships. I don’t know from personal experience, just by reputation that UCSD’s program is one of the best. Rankings seem to agree (though they all have their biases).


Really appreciate your input. Thanks so much. :pray:

I agree. I would rank UCSD then UCI for bioengineering. Congrats!

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I agree with others, re: UCSD. I have BME son whose dream school back in 2015 was UCI, but ended up going to and graduating from SJSU, and now works in Silicon Valley for biotech firm. Current son just accepted to Nanoengineering at UCSD and Materials Engineering at UCI. Both are very good schools, but son is leaning heavily towards UCSD. The Engineering program, including post-grad seems to be top-tier UC with their facilities, instructors, and program direction.

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My son is looking at similar options (Materials at most schools, Nanoengineering at UCSD). I would be interested to know what you and your son think about Nano vs Materials as a major. They have a lot of overlap in curriculum but I wonder how employers will view Nano, as it’s not a common degree. Does your son already have a specific subject area of interest? Feel free to pm me, as it may be off topic for this general UCSD thread and I doubt there are a whole lot of Nano majors here.

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2 posts were split to a new thread: Questions at Materials Engineering at UCSD for rising Senior 2024

My daughter was accepted to Muir (first choice) but only applied to UCSD because I made her. It was the only UC she got into-waitlisted at UCSB. For some reason she has gotten it into her head that UCSD isn’t a “fun” school with not much going on. She’d actually consider university of Arizona over San Diego and I want to pull my hair out. Now she’s talking about Santa Barbara city college. How can I convince her that she is passing up such an amazing opportunity?

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We’re from San Diego and my husband added UCSD last minute to my son’s list. He is a UCSD alum. I have to say, this has been a debate in our house since our son was accepted last week. I graduated from University of Arizona. I admit I have carried that same attitude about UCSD all these years. I think for the bright and talented students that have been accepted, they will find their people at UCSD. If not from San Diego, it is also in beautiful La Jolla. It is a top school for sure. But, I have a feeling the waitlist is going to move a lot, so maybe UCSB will be an option for your daughter soon.

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My son is a sophomore in UCSD. Even we thought UCSD is socially dead before he joined. It is an amazing school. Kids there study hard and have fun too. It’s located close to beaches. My son and his friends go to the beach whenever the weather is good. They have UTC mall close by where they hangout a lot. They have many social events. You should take your daughter for campus tour.


Hey UCSD student here! I will honestly admit, UCSD is a lil different in its social scene. We don’t have a frat row or a football team, so the typical college experience isn’t exactly here. HOWEVER, I strongly believe that it’s the people who meet at the school that totally changes your experience. La Jolla is a wonderful place and the beach is literally minutes away and there are so many things to do for fun. I would remind your daughter to keep an open mind, but im sure any uni will be amazing for her


I graduated from university of Arizona too. I had a great experience. Maybe I shouldn’t have shared all those fun stories lol. Thank you for your insight. Appreciate it!

Does anyone know how difficult it would be to transfer within the engineering school? My son applied to Mechanical engineering, but was accepted into his second choice of Aerospace. They’re both in the same department, and require a lot of the same classes. But he thinks mechanical will be more versatile after graduation.

We’ve been looking into this, since my son was also hoping to have the option to switch after freshman year. It looks like switching to Mech E from any other Engineering major, including Aerospace, would require the same procedure as applying to Mech E from any other major in the university (or undeclared), at least that is how I interpret these instructions: MAE Undergraduate Admissions | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

You can see at the bottom of the page how many students applied and were accepted each year.

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