UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

So I just clarified with her, although I’m still not too clear. That her intended major was Software Engineering with Computer Science, something like that. Yes, she did get directly admitted to Software Engineering at UCI, but our understanding is that UCSD might be stronger, so if it’s a possibliity…

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Nope, UCSD Computer Science is definitely not a possibility if admitted undeclared. She would only be able to do a CS-adjacent major such as CogSci.

UCI is a very strong school, and if she was admitted to her major there, I would suggest that she really look closely into that option!!

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UCI’s CS is strong too. When we visited UCSD, UCI and UCSB a couple years ago for my son, we noticed that CS department for UCI and UCSB seemed smaller than UCSD. Other than that I think both UCI and UCSB CS are as good as UCSD, just the sizes are smaller.


Most of the UCs are good for CS and EE. If you can add internships while you study, it adds lot of value to your resume. UCI provides very good opportunities due to tech companies near by.

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She could also do CE! But like what the others said, coming to UCSD with the hopes of doing a CS major from an undecided major would be nearly impossible.

CE is going to be eliminating the option for continuing students to apply, so I would cross that one off the list as well. Here is some discussion. Reddit link

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I would choose UCI if she is directly admitted to CSE/CE there. It’s pretty much impossible to change to CSE for 2023 admit at UCSD. The possiblity is going to Math-CS. The Math-CS graduates works in the same capacity as the CSE graduates. However Math-CS at UCSD you don’t have priority for CSE course enrollment.


3 posts were split to a new thread: UCSD (Regents) vs UCLA - For PhD aspirations

If that is her aspiration- Phd in drug development - I would say UCSD. The research funding for UCSD is ahead of UCLA and Stanford. UCSD spent 1.4 billion in research spending which more than half of it went to Life Science.

The Regent scholarship is not only for the priority registration and 4 years of guaranteed housing, but also priority in undergrad research position as well. Plus San Diego is the biotech hub. The opportunity for life science research is tremendous.


Is the triton day and all day event? Is there an agenda mentioned anywhere? It is a 2 hours drive for us do we need to be there at 8 am? Is it ok to be there at 11am or will that be too late and we will miss all important stuff? @Gumbymom @lkg4answers @SDmom8

Here is an agenda: Triton Days Program by UC San Diego Admissions - Issuu


@Gumbymom - I asked my DS if he needed to submit Fall 2022 transcripts by May 1st for any of the UC’s and he said he didn’t think so but I wanted to double check here. We didn’t realize he had to submit them to SDSU until today. Thanks



Final Transcripts are due July 1 for the UC’s but only if the student enrolls.

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Does anyone know if I can “un” opt-in for the waitlist? I opted in originally but was accepted into my top choices (Stanford & Princeton) so I’m no longer interested.

did you get this booklet in the mail?

No, a link to the document is on the Triton Day web page.


You can withdraw from the waitlist. If there is no option in the student portal, just email admissions. Congratulations on your acceptances.


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UCSD vs. UCD for engineering?

looks like it’s coming down to these two for my son - Nano engineering at UCSD and Materials engineering at UCD.

I have gotten some qualitative info about the difference in campus feel/ culture etc. any quantitative info around campus job placements, salaries, etc would be helpful as well. My guess is that there isn’t a material difference between the two (pun intended :grinning:)

SD is a gorgeous city and campus, but probably more expensive. Davis we visited a couple weeks ago and it has a nice laid back feel.

His OOS option is UIUC which is ranked #2 after MIT for materials science. From a personal standpoint I think he prefers to stay in CA.

go to the school where you son feels a connection and can thrive.