UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

Well the mods haven’t let me into either group yet so :woman_shrugging:t2::grinning: Hopefully I’ll find out soon!


I’m a member of both groups. Not sure what the past conflict was, but currently both are fine for getting the information. :slightly_smiling_face:


Same…I think they want you to confirm that your kid has SIR’d.

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How would they know? Facebook groups are not run by university admissions departments.

Good question - it’s a question they ask when you request to join. That’s what they told me when they rejected my request. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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UCSD FB group rejected you because you hadn’t SIR’d yet? Wow, that’s brutal! Maybe they get too much spam.

One group let me in, but the other still has me pending! :joy: I was able to ask my question in the one group, but not too many parents weighed in. I think my daughter will just need to email the department/faculty directly if we want to get some more info. But it’s ok. I think she’s closed to submitting that SIR regardless, so hopefully the group will let me stay!

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No, sorry, it was the UCI FB group.

@SDmom8 What are the two UCSD Facebook groups? How can I join?

Does UCSD provide guaranteed housing for 4 years?


No, UCSD does not guarantee housing for 4 years. UCLA is the only UC that gives the 4 year housing guarantee currently.

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How many years of guaranteed housing does UCSD provide? Thanks

The incoming undergraduate class entering in the fall of 2023 will be eligible for a two-year on-campus housing guarantee. Students who do not reside in on-campus housing during the 2023-24 academic year will automatically lose eligibility.


Is it easy to find housing after 2 years? We have few days to decide between UCI and UCSD.

UCI is 6 miles away from our home.

You can find off campus housing at UCSD but very pricey.

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The housing office will have resources to help find off campus housing after Sophomore year and definitely start the search early.

This is very helpful. Thanks

My daughter is very close to committing to UCSD, and from the research I’ve done it seems like now that the trolley goes all the way to campus (a few stops), it’s pretty easy to take transit from several areas around campus. Bus + trolley, etc. Seems like there is ample housing, but yes it can be expensive. Then again, the prices look similar or cheaper in some cases to what is around UCLA, Cal, etc. At least unlike at a school like UCSC, there is housing to be had.

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UCSD Parents and UCSD Parents Group.

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The trolley station is right on campus near Price Center. Very convenient. Just a few stops from UCSD station to UTC mall (best shopping mall in San Diego, IMO) and a large strip mall near La Jolla Village Drive. The trolley also goes to downtown San Diego. Free ride for students via Pronto apo.