UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

Haven’t received a single email from UCSD.

Have you activated your single sign on account? Once you accepted the offer, there should be a some things to do under the “item checklist”. That’s where you’d activate your account if you haven’t done it yet. If you have activated it, then you should check your spam account and your UCSD email account. There have been several emails. One came in on May 4th regarding the writing placement. Best of luck!


Yes to what @Calik says. That’s what my daughter’s experience has been. New info is coming to her new UCSD email, but she is also still is seeing some things in her normal email (the one tied to her admissions portal), including the survey to determine if you need to take the writing exam. We went ahead and had her ACT scores sent to UCSD since that will get her out the requirement and we want to wait to send AP scores until her most recent tests will be included.

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We are waiting to send AP scores as well, once the most recent ones are ready. Do you know timing of when scores for the 2023 tests come out? We did get the insurance opt out info updated.

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I’m not sure about the timing on AP scores. I’ll probably ask the College Board what the timing looks like.

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Yes we have activated our single sign on account. But haven’t received any emails from UCSD. Maybe we have to call and find out.

Will call first thing tomorrow to find out why we haven’t been receiving a single email from UCSD. Thanks

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Spoke to a IT person at UCSD. He mentioned email seems to work fine and no emails must have been sent as of yet and that is the reason to not receiving any email from UCSD yet. Hopefully will start receiving emails from UCSD soon. Hope we don’t miss out on any important emails :crossed_fingers:


July 5th Wednesday after the July 1 UCSD deadline for Ap score submission


See, that’s so annoying! :tired_face: I guess we are supposed to send now and then again after the new scores? It’s sort of silly. Somehow we only sent it once to UCLA in 2021 but maybe they were lax bc COVID


Deadline for AP scores is July 15. If you filled out the information to send to UCSD at the time of the AP Senior exams, then there should be no reason to send them twice. UC’s are flexible with the AP score deadline.


AP and IB Exam Results Due

AP and IB exam results are due no later than July 15.

  • Please request results be sent to UC San Diego, school code: 004836.
  • For more information, please refer to the Advanced Placement FAQs.
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Oh good! That’s so much better, thanks. We just got the transcripts requested from the HS and the community college today, so I was feeling accomplished. :grinning: Can’t wait to have her get this crossed off too.

Now for the health insurance waiver and the second step in Housing which is supposedly opening today but wasn’t yet available as of this morning.

And the appointment to get wisdom teeth out. So much to do!

We got an email today (both D23 and parents!) about a math placement exam for UCSD. It’s a little unclear, but I don’t think you need to take it if your major isn’t math-related (or math-adjacent like economics)? Like I don’t think she will need it to do a Gen Ed math requirement at Sixth. I hope not because she would rather do virtually anything else other than take a math exam.


The email I received said July 1st

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Interesting since the UCSD timeline states July 15. I would call and ask since it does not make sense to send the scores twice. Why post a deadline on the website when they go and change it?


Will call and confirm. Thanks a lot.


Who did the email come from? Other than the math thing I don’t believe our daughter has gotten any emails for at least a week.

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Email came from - Math Testing and Placement UC San Diego
The only email received was for the math thing

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Did the math email come at the UCSD email? Ours came at the personal email . No emails at the UCSD email account.

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Personal email. But that email had nothing about a deadline for AP score reporting—I was wondering which email you meant where you said you saw “July 1.”