UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

9th grade as well? UCs mentioned they consider 10th & 11th-grade courses and GPA for admissions.

The 3 UC GPA’s are calculated based on the a-g courses taken the summer after 9th to the summer prior to 12th grades. For HS course rigor and the # of a-g courses, the UC’s consider 9-12th grade courses and most likely Math and Foreign Language courses taken in 7th/8th since these are also listed on the UC application.

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For those of you who have students already at UCSD, did they get their first choice college?

My son got his first choice college.


Joining the wait for S23. Good luck all!


Yes- my daughter did


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If you are admitted to UCSD does the notification usually include which college you were assigned to or does that come later in the process (after May 1st when they have a better handle on actual enrollment)?

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It’s on the letter! Along the words of Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to UCSD for the major of ____ in Revelle college (for example)


Residential College choices - can you change after acceptance? We have started to get notifications from other colleges and began to evaluate what is really important to her. It’s not the dorms, it’s the desire to have humanities core curriculum even as a hard STEM major (math). When she applied to UCSD she ranked res colleges based on physical description of the dorms (she’s 17, so go figure…). She admitted she did not look at core requirements for the colleges and feels like she ranked them poorly. If she’s accepted to as a freshman, can she change colleges after she arrives on campus or after her freshman year?

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In order to change Residential colleges, you have to show that your new college will allow you to graduate two quarters earlier which has been policy for many years. You can begin the process in the second quarter as an enrolled student. I would check with housing to determine if the new college will accept a transfer. Some Residential colleges are not accepting changes/transfers.

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My son did get his first choice college.

Revelle has been considered the most difficult GEs for STEM majors due to the load of humanity, social science and language courses. And Warren is considered the STEM friendly due to several overlapping GEs with the major requirements in math, sciences.


What are her top 3 college choices?

I feel like this should have been a new thread somewhere else. The answers are confusing. Makes it seem like decisions have been released.

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So are we expecting decisions on March 17th?
It’s the 3rd Friday of the month and the past 2 years have had decisions come out then.

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Did u get an email saying that they will release decisions by mid-March?:slight_smile:

No confirmation about decision date just speculation.

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I got an email from them. I think many of us did…

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Did the email specify a date or only Mid-March?

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No email about the decision date.

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