UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

how do you identify your HS course rigor?

UC’s identify HS course rigor with UC approved Honors, AP, IB and Dual Enrollment or Community college classes.

It will depend upon what your HS offers since you are evaluated within the context of your HS.

Is it hard to transfer from UC Davis to UC Irvine
My S22 Got accepted into Davis, waitlisted Irvine, rejected from UCLA and San Diego.

UC to UC transfers are not difficult but are based on UC GPA and completion of the transfer course requirements. Usually much harder to get a competitive GPA at a UC vs a CC. Priority is given to community college transfers over UC to UC transfers.

My advice is have her embrace the UC Davis acceptance and not start at a school with the idea of transferring. This mindset would keep her from making meaningful social contacts, getting involved in campus life and may make for a miserable 2 years prior to transfer. You never know, she may want to stay after the 2 years.

Plus the waitlist might come through and then this is a moot point.


Thank you so much

After thinking about it more, my kid decided to pass on UCSD since the alternate major (Data Science) really isn’t one they want. Submitted the decision tonight - hope that opens up a spot for someone!


So tough when you get the school but not the major.


Which school does yours prefer?

Accepted, In-State
UC weighted: 4.4 / unweighted: 3.966
Major: Neurobiology (Sixth College)

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Again if anyone has any questions abt student life, CS major lower divs (I’m a CE major so I share most of them), or Marshall College res life/GEs, I’d be really happy to answer !!!


D WL, 3.9/4.4 (IB), class rank 12/548, in-state, marine biology. Avid scuba diver since 10, volunteered at Aquarium of the Pacific; student eco ambassador in Belize one summer; avg EC. Also WL by UCLA and accepted by UCI.

School TBD, still waiting to hear from reaches, and have a few acceptances. This alternate major acceptance did help solidify that engineering really is the desired major.


I got admitted and am looking for an active chat or group to talk with other admits does anyone know where I can find something like this ?

My kid was accepted to Marshall, but it was either 6th or 7th on the ranked list. I think the first year Dimensions of Culture sequence did not sound appealing to my kid:

“As a three-course sequence, DOC 1: Reading Diversity, DOC 2: Arguing Justice, and DOC 3: Imagination offer intensive instruction in university-level expository writing.”

There is very little information online about how these courses are run–could you give us a little more information?

How would you describe the culture at Marshall?

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Congrats on your kid’s acceptances! Ours is similar except for last three. If I may ask, what are the top two you are considering out of the ones accepted? For us it is a tough choice between UT, UIUC, UCSD while we wait for Michigan. He is interested in Biomedical Engineering/ Bioengineering. We are OOS everywhere

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We are also in a similar boat.

Accepted UCSD second choice major, which is a deal breaker

Accepted for aerospace engineering:
FYE Purdue
CU Boulder




Since we are in a similar boat, may I ask what your thoughts are on the different programs? Is your son leaning toward one over the other at this point?

Going strictly by the engineering ranking and course curriculum our son is leaning towards UIUC with UT Austin as a close second. We liked the possibility of doing a minor in either CS or Business at UIUC. The course track flexibility and the job fairs/internships seems great there. Purdue is good but the only issue with Purdue is FYE which kind of seems like a bit of waste of time because you dont get to start major-specific courses till second year. Yet to visit the UIUC and Purdue campuses though and heard they get real cold there! We are in the east coast ¶ so the cold may not be a bother for him though. He also got into UMD, which is a great one too. Now UCSD we weren’t expecting and their Bioengineering is highly ranked so now we must add it to the equation.
If Michigan and/or Duke comes through then I believe he will pick them over all these, even though they are so much more expensive!

How about your kid if I may ask? Tough choice but grateful we have a few good ones :pray:

I feel our thinking is very similar. Out of my son’s admits so far, his number #1 is UIUC. My son did summer programs at both UIUC and Purdue. He liked them both, but really loves that UIUC is direct admit. He also felt the vibe was more laid back at UIUC and liked that the program director knew the name of evey aerospace student! We are going to attend the UIUC SITE visit this coming weekend, so I’m hoping he’ll get even more of a feel for the school. Since UIUC and UMich are tied at #5 for aerospace, I’m not sure a UMich admit will push UIUC out of the #1 slot, but it might. Best of luck to you and your son. It is a crazy process, especially this year!

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UC capped GPA
Unweighted 3.85

10AP and national scholar of distinction
Extra curriculars: biology research , VP in clubs, several volunteer activities, science Olympiad life science award winner for SoCal region and competed at state level. Led choir team And awarded best choir in SoCal

D is now waitlisted at UCSC UCI AND UCSD

Accepted at SLO and SDSU
Rejected at UCD AND UCLA

She liked both UCI and UCSD.
Awaiting UCB UCSB and other OOS