UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Check ZeeMee

The ZeeMee app has an accepted students forum. I also think there is another called Patio.

D18 is current Data Science major at UCSD - it is like a combination of Statistics and CS - lots of math and coding. Great major - HARD - new so still working the kinks out a bit. But if he is not a CS kid - not the major you want. LOTS of job opportunities – daughter took a gap year during Covid - internship offered her a job to stay. So currently back in school full time, working 15 hours week - has a ton of money in the bank and a job when she graduates! But she has little to no free time - her choice.


D22 - Wait listed - Earth Sciences
UW 3.98/ W capped 4.23
ELC yes -
In State
Lots of EC - XC/Track 3years, Leadership, Community Service same all 4 years leadership, 5 years LOTE, 5 years of Art

Wasn’t high on list as sister attends -

Rejected; UCD, UCLA
Waitlisted: UCSD, UCSC
Accepted: SDSU, Cal Poly SLO, Long Beach, UCR, Chico, SF State

knew it could be a tough year - thankful for choices - really thought she had a shot at Davis and Santa Cruz - especially since she was not choosing CS/Engineering - UCs are a hot ticket! Good luck to all and just know it’s not about the name but the fit! So many great places with great people!


DD - International - Accepted - Biology with concentration in Bioinformatics. Has anyone else from CC been accepted into this major? Would like to hear more about this major at UCSD. Thank you!

Thanks for sharing that information. It does sound like a very interesting field, and my kid is interested in it as a minor, but not as a major because they want more hands-on building labs/projects. Congrats to your D18 on her success so far! And good luck to your D22 with her decisions.

Yes son accepted UCSD got Regents 5K/20 K total.
Accepted CS Muir College
4.0 No B’s and 4.74 Weighted
8 Ap’s 10th/11th grade year & taking 4 more this year. So 12 total.

UCLA CS Accepted
SJSU- Accepted
Calpoly-still waiting probably w/l or rejection

Waiting on Berkeley EECS the 24th. Then will make decision between UCLA/UCB/ & UCSD.


Does that mean there is practically no chance for someone from the class of 2026 to switch from undeclared to CS? I know a student who got in undeclared this year. She was waitlisted at UCI but has other options outside of the UCs. In which semester would she apply for the CS major? I’m wondering if she has any chance of being ready to apply by Spring 2023, before the policy changes. Very strong academically and otherwise, so I think she has a shot to make the GPA cutoff, but I know it’s a gamble, literally (with the lottery process).

It was tough even before this policy. She would have to take the prerequisites and get top grades and even then it’s a gamble of hoping somehow space opens up in her CS class year.

I have the exact question, thanks for posting!

Hi! My son applied for Comp Eng but was accepted undeclared. We see there is a Comp Eng minor, if he chooses Math & Comp Sci major (or another major outisde of engineering school), is it easy to try for a Comp Eng Minor or is that hard to get into also?

If you did not get accepted directly into UCSD Comp Sci what alternate major would you have picked?


Information for a CE Minor: Minors | Electrical and Computer Engineering

I would contact the department directly and ask your questions before committing.


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Congratulations on being admitted as a Regents Scholar! :medal_sports:

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Thank you UCSD and UCLA both great schools and in CS as well. Will visit both schools tough choice. We feel very lucky knowing that there are many deserving applicants out there.

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Best of luck to you and your son as well and enjoy the UIUC SITE visit. We are booked for a UIUC admitted student visit last week of March and looking forward!

I haven’t been following this board closely so apologies if this has been discussed already. It seems like there has been an inordinate number of WL decisions at UCSD from well qualified candidates who got into UCI, UCLA, UCD. My D finally found someone at her large public LA HS who actually got into UCSD. There are many admits from her HS at the other UCs. Has that been others’ experience? I wonder whether UCSD sort of over-waitlisted this year? (or perhaps its just the experience from my D’s relatively small sample size).

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My daughter was accepted at UCSD and waitlisted for UCI and UCLA
Not sure if it has to do with the major she applied to the different schools

Your observation may be right. I do see the same trend in our large public school as well. My D got into UCLA and got WLed by UCSD, some we heard was the other way around. We learned just one friend of hers got into both, other than that it’s either UCSD or UCLA so far.

Trade you :smile_cat:


Does your D want to go to UCLA?