UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

She had it higher, but she also got into the University of Chicago and Northeastern
Will see how the next two weeks will look like

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All three - UCI, UCD, UCSD have been aggressive with enrollment management. Seems like they are all scared of over enrollment and have decided to put a bunch of high stat kids on the WL. At least to a degree that’s beyond normal year to year fluctuations.

I would say an admit across all 3 this cycle is a unicorn. Haven’t found one on these boards. S22 was admitted to UCD and wait listed at the other two.

I think @lkg4answers may have it right. Gone are the days when top students were able to clean sweep the UCs.


Wow amazing. UChicago I heard is tough to get into, she must be extremely rounded and hardworking to make it. Congrats and sending good vibes and wishes across.

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Thank you and the very best to your kid

About 3-4 years ago my friend’s daughter got into UCB EECS as a regents scholar and She got into all the other UCs she applied to including UCLA. She was jokingly telling me the other day that her D wouldn’t have made it, if she applied this year. It is indeed a hard year. We know quite some very high stats kids got their decisions on Friday (1 or 2 acceptances). They all became so emotionally drained out by then.

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Would gladly trade our UCSD acceptance for our UCLA rejection? :grin:

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It’s funny how everyone wants that one school that the other person has and doesn’t want.


Sounds like hair

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Would be interesting to do a thread on UC acceptances after UCB comes out next Thursday. I want to see how many got into multiple and what the combinations turn out to be. Right now, we are at 4 admits, 2 WL, and 1 denial. And I am expecting at least 1 outright denial next week :frowning:

Frankly, I don’t think I can handle yet another WL. Denials might be more merciful.


My daughter got into UCSD. Waitlisted at UCI and UCD.

Hi! Purdue so far is his number one choice. He actually likes the FYE requirement since he’s torn between Mechanical and Aerospace. The FYE program will give him some time and common coursework under his belt to see which way to go. He also really likes the opportunities for internships and co-ops that seem so ingrained in Purdue’s engineering program. Additionally, he’s obsessed with aviation, and he’ll also get his pilot’s license while in college. The aviation history at Purdue is pretty amazing, and it’s the only school in the country with its own airport, so he’ll be able to get his pilot’s license while earning his engineering degree pretty conveniently. Lastly, he was accepted to the Honors college, Honors Engineering, and got a pretty great scholarship, so those are all pluses. We are OOS there, but the scholarship and frozen tuition over the past 11 years (continuing through at least 23-24), make it a bargain.

Second is UT Austin. We are from TX, so it will be nice to also attend our state flagship (not to mention hubby and I are alumni, so we’d love another longhorn in the family :slight_smile: However, UT is a pretty far second compared to Purdue. At this point, I think the only ones that may compete are Michigan, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, or Berkeley. But, Cornell and Berkeley are slim to none chances, and Michigan is a long shot.

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My son was fortunate to have been accepted to UCLA, UCI, and UCSD (he didn’t apply to Davis or Santa Cruz). However, most kids in our high school- considered one of most rigorous in So Cal- were dealt disappointments- some completely shut out. Prior to 2020/2021- we would see 40+ accepted each to UCLA/Berkeley. And UCI was definitely an easier admit as well. This year has been crazy.


Let’s hope UCSB isn’t aggressive with the WL too! My D really wants that one. She got into UCD and UCI, a WL at UCSD and a NO at UCLA. UCSB would be her clear choice if she gets in, absent a pleasant UCB surprise on Thursday :slight_smile:


I saw that UCI actually only accepts 20% of in state candidates, compared to 17% at Cal and 10% at UCLA. Surprised to see how competitive UCI is since we don’t really no kids in LA who want to go there.


Any reason you are aware of why you don’t see much interest in UCI from your area?

U chicago acceptance RD is literally like 1%. I am sure more good news for your D is coming …

Kids don’t think its fun and have a perception that UCI is largely a commuter school.


If you live in LA, Irvine isn’t as sexy (UCLA is tho) because it’s in your backyard. It’s similar to how kids in NorCal prefer to skip Davis.


We have the same message on my sons portal. We double checked we completed all the fin docs etc and UCSD is listed

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