UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

We will see, but we are thrilled with that acceptance

Yes this will be a great data point for students next year. I have DD23 as well and I think this data will be really helpful

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We are in the same boat. His friends (and parents)have been devastated with the results. I’m not sure how to handle —
Trying to lie low, but people ask. He is experiencing that at school too. And I’m so bummed for the kids who haven’t gotten in, since I care about them too. While I am thrilled for him, it feels so unfair.


You need 3.3 GPA on required courses and no D and F.

Son WL UCSD Engineering
In State/NorCal/BayArea
3.9UW 4.2 weighted
42 JC credits (all As), tons of community service hours.

Rejected: UCD, CalTech
Waitlisted: CP SLO engr., UCSD- engr.
Accepted: UCSC- Physics, SJSU- Mech. Engr., UoAz- Mech. Engr.


@darbygurl: This was posted by a current UCSD CE major. You might want to PM them for further details about the statement.

The lottery process is ending as of this summer! From now on it’ll essentially be impossible to transfer into CS.

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Congratulations on the acceptances! You’re doing the right thing. Lay low as the dust settles. Once people start attending admitted student days and begin to fall in love with the schools that love them, tensions will ease.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

I understand the requirements are a 3.3 - however the reality is it is tough odds, with a bunch of kids and not enough spots and you will need to be the best of the best - better than the kids that are already in. IF your heart is set on CS your best bet is to go to the school where you get in for CS and that was told to us everywhere we went, in 2018. BUT definitely worth asking about the process and making an informed decision, as things change all the time. Things seem more competitive not less - but hopefully I’m wrong - because I think it is asking a lot for 17/18 year olds to know what they want to do.


My DD got in! Out of state (MA), weighted average 4.3. Major: Neuro Biology (capped major).


I think from the website they are accepting more students into CS and just get rid of the lottery system next year.

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Hello There,

My son was accepted to UCSD for CS and also at Marshall. He’s waiting for UCB decision but he applied for undeclare there so I think even if he gets in he’ll decide to go to UCSD. What do you feel are the most important lesson you wish you had known when you were a Freshman, Sophomore at UCSD CS? If you had a lot of AP’s in HS, did that knock off a lot of the GE’s and how many quarters do you think they saved you. Son has 12+ AP’s and we’re hoping that’ll cut down on classes and # of years in school, most importantly $$. Thanks so much for your generosity and willingness to share. Take care!


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Has anyone received a merit scholarship? If not, are they coming out soon?

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I have seen some students receive Regents. UC’s offer little merit aid and if you are recipient, it should be listed in your FA package.

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Son accepted at UCSD and UCD for CS, WL at UCI CS and Calpoly SLO CS, rejected by UCLA CS, waiting for UCSB CS and UCB undeclared. The stress level is so high since UC started the test-blind policy. I’m sure it’s also somewhat stressful for the schools not having SAT as a tool to gauge incoming students. After all, we’re lucky son got into UCSD CS; if it were pre-pandemic we wouldn’t have been this stressed out. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

@Gumbymom, how critical is it to take all the AP exams that were noted on the UC application? My daughter is scheduled to take six exams in May but two of the exams she has a conflicting schedule with and won’t be able to take them. Will this jeopardize her UCSD acceptance?

Not taking AP exams listed on the UC application is not a reason for having an acceptance rescinded but the UC’s like to be notified of any AP exam changes. I believe last year as part of UCB’s provisional admission contract, students were required to confirm the AP exams they planned on taking at end of Senior year.


@Gumbymom We just listened to a presentation for admitted students and they said to contact the admissions office asap if there are any contingencies tbat you may not be able to fulfill. So I guess read the offer really carefully and see if taking the specific AP exams is expected. I would just emaii the admissions office and have in writing whatever they tell you.


DS accepted to UCSD (NanoEngineering, Revelle College).

UW 4.0
CA Weighted 4.363
10 APs
Lots of community service, robotics competition, and engineer ECs; athlete (football and basketball)

First choice was aerospace engineering.

Rejected: Stanford, UCLA, GA Tech
Accepted: Vanderbilt, Columbia (Likely letter Davis Scholar), UCSD, UT Austin


On transfer to capped majors - just finished a an Admissions presentation for accepted students and she said that CS is the hardest major to transfer to. I also spoke to someone at admissions about capped majors last week and she basically said that while the process is there to transfer, it’s extremely difficult to changed into any capped major…