UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

One AP out of 10 APs was accepted for my daughter, I believe it’s the math AP. However despite what people frequently fear, some of her friends and herself could have graduated in less than 3 years and 2 quarters and they all had very good GPAs. She never took more than 15 or 16 units. She also worked there as a tutor for a few years. The labs took the most time, if I recall. She’s in Muir.

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I spoke with UCSD financial aid this morning as we had an issue with our application. I also asked about regents and was told it would be right on our initial acceptance letter. They are all out, so that’s not happening for my son. Just fyi if you’re still hoping for one.


If he were applying CS, it likely would have been the same. :exploding_head:

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Congrats to your kid for getting into Honors and winning a scholarship at Purdue! That’s amazing!! Curious, when we visited UT they kept touting their extensive internships and career fairs (they said some 300+ companies come to campus to recruit). Was it the unique Aerospace opportunities at Purdue that put it on top? Both their engineering programs rank more-or-less same. Just wanted to know if there is any negative about UT that you may be aware of. UT is a serious contender for us.

what HS does he go to?

Did anybody get the email about the Summer Engineering Institute? It seems interesting and I was wondering if anybody knew anything about it or had any experience with it. I’ll be an electrical engineering major if that helps

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My daughter was accepted UCR, UCD, UCSD Regent, and UCLA Regent invite.
Did not apply to UCI.


My son was waitlisted at UCSD but nowhere did we see any information on number of spots…odd. it basically, just asked him to opt in which he did.

My son is at UCSD majoring in Mathematics Computer Science, and you can’t minor in CSE with that major.

My son is in Math/CS too.

This is the major requirement for Math/CS
21-22-MA30.png (941×763) (ucsd.edu)

If planned well, a Math/CS major could have the CE minor built-in in their major.
(20 units from the CE minor list below). That is why UCSD won’t allow student in Math/CS to declare CE as minor. The only 2 classes that can be used to fulfill CE minor that cannot be used to fulfill Math/CS major are ECE 102 and CSE 105.

Minors | Electrical and Computer Engineering (ucsd.edu)

Computer Engineering: Twenty units chosen from the junior courses: ECE 102, CSE 100, 101, 105, 120, 140, 140L, 141, 141L

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For us, UT was more something I wanted, rather than what my son wants. He grew up in Austin and has done the entire Longhorn thing since he was very young (my husband and I are both alums). He wants something new. I get that. When we did the tour at UT, he felt like a number. It wasn’t very special. Only after he was accepted did he get things personalized for him. At Purdue, it felt like they wanted him more from the beginning, and the tour was great.

Purdue’s co-op program, although it has the possibility of extending graduation by a year, is a huge plus. Spending an entire year doing rotations in the industry is pretty amazing, and he can do that in addition to summer internships and study abroad. UT, to our knowledge, doesn’t have anything like those co-ops, but they do have some pretty great internship opportunities.

But the icing on the cake for my son is the aviation connections at Purdue and the fact that you can study aeronautical enginnering, rather than aerospace engineering. He isn’t hooked on rockets, his dream job is to design commercial aircraft. Purdue is the best for aeronautical engineering; UT doesn’t even have similar courses in this regard.


I didn’t think Vanderbilt decisions were out yet. Am I wrong?

They are out for us, we received notification in February. We applied regular decision. We received our award letter and a box of goodies. He’s already attended a virtual event this past weekend called Mosaic.

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A post was split to a new thread: International Neuroscience major. Help choose the right college

We are going to visit from OOS, but can’t go on the special admitted student day so will be going in mid-April. I was thinking about getting a hotel in downtown San Diego (because he dreams of going to college in a city) and then riding the trolley back and forth from UCSD so he can see how convenient it is to the city. Except we’ve never been to San Diego and I’ve no idea if downtown is safe and if this is a good or bad idea. We are from a small town so not too city savvy but I wanted my student to see more than just the campus. Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions!

I think downtown San Diego is relatively safe. You can stay at a hotel near seaport village, little italy, or gaslamp quarter, and take a trolley to campus. Keep in mind that downtown hotels charge for parking (if you rent a car). You can also stay at a hotel near campus (UTC), and then ride the trolley into downtown. I suggest renting a car and visiting La Jolla, Coronado, Del Mar, Hillcrest, Balboa Park and Pacific Beach to get a good feel for the area.


Sorry if it has mentioned before. Did UCSD release the # of admitted and # waitlisted for fall 2022? I assume 20k were admitted and 20k waitlisted. Is that more or less accurate based on past years?

I have not seen data yet for # of admitted or waitlisted. Usually these stats come out after the waitlists have been closed for accuracy purposes.

We went over the summer and stayed on the embarcadero at the Spring Hill Suites. It was right near the USS midway and we could walk to the gas lamp quarter and little italy. Almost across the street from a trolley stop. We felt very safe and there are a bunch of hotels right there. We, however, live just outside a major metro East coast city, so everyone’s comfort level is different. If you are just going back and forth from airport to hotel to school, you might not need a car. If you plan on going anywhere else, like to the local sites as @DoubleApps says, you need a car.


My D is close to committing to UCSD (still waiting on a few, but I think this one is it!) I understand classes start September 19. When would she move in for orientation? And is there a separate orientation (in person) during the summer?
