UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

has anyone heard anything over the past couple days?

The Eighted College construction is behind the schedule. UCSD needs to house all freshmen who met the housing application deadline, and without the Eighted College housing they must have to trying to place all SIR Eighted College freshmen somewhere first. I think they are trying to figure this out before they can accept many more waitlisted students
They had a problem in 2021 when the yield was higher than expected and they changed the triple room to double because of Covid, therefore not enough beds for all the eligible freshmen. Some students ended up in hotel room. I think they are trying not to repeat the same mistake and taking time to assess the situation.

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Campus officials also clarified that UC San Diego’s two-year housing guarantee remains in place for incoming students.


Anything today? :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I sent an email to them and they basically said that if space opens they will admit more (so maybe that means their space are filled at least now)

should we expect no more admits from sd at this point?

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I am aware of the current 2-year guarantee for incoming student. However, I don’t think UCSD will pull many more students from the waitlist until they know they can house every first year and second year students who opted in for on-campus housing. Therefore, they may be delaying accepting more students from the waitlist until the very last minutes.

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According to 2 CC comments on berkeley thread, berkeley will keep WL open until August. Also, CC UCLA, someone commented that UCLA’s majors are open still. This has to cause some movement?

I saw a post in FB that a student just got off UCSD waitlist about an hour ago. So, there are some movement!


could you share the post?

Can’t share. It was a UCSD parents group. A parent asked questions about GE because his D just got off the waitlist. Human Biology major.

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Hey, neurobio major here (and new account here, created just to post since no one else appears to have)—I did get in today off waitlist at 4:26 PM with email sent to promotions (very cool).
Congratulations to all the other WL admits, and if that doesn’t include you I’m truly sorry; at the risk of sounding like a rejection letter, I’m sure all of you will find a path towards your goals even if it weren’t the one you originally sought to traverse, and I wish you all the best of luck <3.

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when’s the SIR deadline?

Got off the waitlist for transfer, but for the alternative major they made me choose. Any way to change my major if I do accept?

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2 posts were split to a new thread: UCSD Transfer Waitlist Fall 2023

Can we assume rejections from this point on since there was another wave of acceptances?

was it a wave, or just a trickle of individuals?

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Check with the admission, but typically you can change major as long as the major you want to change to is not a capped major. However, there may be prerequisite courses you have to take.

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