UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

My respect for santa barbara just keeps going up. Announcing a set date for results to reduce anxiety? :chart_with_upwards_trend: Cute poems on the portal :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend: Queen behavior

Only thing that could make me respect it more is an acceptance :joy: don’t be shy, give it to me​:joy: :smirk:


Right there with you on my respect/appreciation for the AO at UCSB! We did a tour November of 2019 and I LOVED the woman who did the presentation to the families/students before our tour! She was fantastic, funny, honest and down to earth! They did so much outreach and webinars for students to help them through the application process. I feel that they are trying so hard to help those first generation college students navigate this process and I LOVE that!


Decisions for UCSC are out. Got waitlisted for CS… gosh I hope I get into UCSB tomorrow


Best of luck!

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I got into SLO and I was wondering would it be hard to transfer to UCSB as a sophomore? I love SLO but I’m just weighing my options because I am nearly 100% sure of my rejection.

Did you mention that you got into UCI CS?

UCSB takes Junior level transfers so unless you can get 90 quarter units/60 semester units by Spring next year, a Sophomore transfer is highly unlikely. Do you have DE credit that transfers?

Yes I have a few credits but not too many. Mostly just English and art classes with a few science courses. I wouldn’t mind going to SLO by any means but I fell in love with the UCSB campus instantly so I’m really hoping to go.

Yep. Accepted to UCI for CS and waitlisted to UCSC for CS. I believe it’s because they heavily overenrolled last year and over 200 people were able to defer their admission to 2021. So my guess is that they are going to rely on the waitlist more just to prevent another year of over-enrollment.

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So will they will give this year’s applicants admission next year? :smile:

today probably won’t sleep because of tmr.


Wishing everyone luck tmw!! I’m so scared but thinking positive thoughts :slight_smile:


Same for me haha good luck everyone:)


:blue_heart: UCSB for their cute poem and their heads up re decision timeline! That’s so kind to our stressed out seniors.


Good luck everyone! Tomorrow’s the big day!


Good Luck!!!


Wonder what time the students will be notified.

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it says that the portal will open up again at 3:15 pm tomorow


Fr! I wish all UCs were like that, would definitely save us some unnecessary stress.


Does being OOS give someone an advantage?

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