UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

this may be a yield protection. you may hear great news from other UC schools!


in-state daughter accepted, psychology major

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My daughter was rejected for Pre-Psychology, which is fine. We knew it was a long shot because of the usual acceptance rate. Congratulations to all of you!


Thank you so much for all the kind words over the past few days- they mean a lot.


Do the UCs really do yield protect? I did not think so.

UC’s don’t yield protect.

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In-state son rejected, computer engineering

It seems like UCD and UCLA do yield protect. Maybe the other campuses are adopting it, so that they can rise up in the ranking?

State schools often yield-protect, UC’s are known for accepting most qualified applicants, often giving out regents scholarships for the most qualified ones (UCM, UCI, UCR, UCB, etc.)

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rejected for global studies. expected after i got rejected from uci and ucsc but it still hurts


Accepted for pre-Economics!!!

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UCs don’t yield protect, but their admission process makes no sense sometimes. I just like to believe the AOs know if you’d be a good fit for their school or not.


S21 got accepted for Psych&Brain Sciences. In-state/NorCal, 3.88 UW/4.21 Cap/4.54 Full UC, 11 APs, Nat’l Merit Commended, ECs, Leadership, comp swim


Accepted pre-biology! Probably gunna reject it though for Uci as a nursing major!


Congrats to everyone who got in. My DD, instate, W4.27 Waitlisted at SLO, UCSC, and today UCSB. Hoping and praying to see some movement on the waitlists.


i think UCs do yield protect. In 2019 my son was accepted UCD UCSD UCLA UC berkeley UCR and then waitlisted UCI . How does that even make sense? and he was accepted bioengineering at UCLA. Another kid at his school was accepted Princeton Berkeley and UCLA and also waitlisted UCI So they probably do protect yield.


Can I ask what her stats are

I didn’t think so.

Did they submit SAT scores since had National commended merit?

Thanks :slight_smile: